New Beez Anime Legends Releases

To be fair, I believe Gurren Lagaan and Code Geass are more popular and are also more recent than Escaflowne and Wolf's Rain, which can justify them being a bit more expensive.

At the end of the day, it's still FAR better than £40, £70, or £100+ it might've once cost to collect a series of that length either in singles or in boxset form.
Lots of interesting stuff comes out of the last few posts.

I think what irks me the most about pricing in the Anime Legends line so far is that there's not really been a clearly established price point in the long term. We've had a few releases that cropped up for about £15 online (and let's in fairness remember that the RRP was higher) and so some of us - certainly me - have come to expect a similar price point for subsequent releases.

I think Just Passing Through nails it with the comment that '£20 seems like the magic number'. I think that's crucial, because, looking at the facts, that keeps things competitive with the R1 import market, and as we've seen, means that folks still feel they're getting good value for money.

If somebody wasn't making money on the earlier re-releases, I'd like to know why. Wasn't it mentioned back along that Gundam SEED and Wolf's Rain had to be reprinted to keep up with demand? I certainly know a few folks who bought the box sets on a whim, sometimes saying things to me like 'Well, anime's not my thing / I wasn't interested in this show, but for THAT price, I'm gonna check it out!' - EXACTLY what the UK anime market needs. Pushing for more money on future re-releases isn't the way to ensure that trend endures.

The IGPX comment is a good point as well. I also nabbed both boxes at £3 a throw in the Xmas deal. I'd have paid £15 for it in a big shiny AL box without any fuss, because that's how far my wallet will allow my curiosity to stretch. But twenty quid for it? I'd almost certainly pass.

Worth sayimng here that my beef isn't entirely with Beez pricing of these sets - it comes down to online retailers as well. Let's not forget that they're the ones setting the discounted prices.
> No Turn A Gundam.

HdE said:
afoia said:
> No Turn A Gundam.

Well, it hasn't even come out Stateside yet!
But it's straight to anime legends.
Release delays between here and the states mostly haven't been too bad.
Excepting things like Lucky Star, which is only getting released as we've been begging for it for years now.
If only things got licensed based on director/studio rather than who the licensee was we'd get good stuff much faster and with some certainty.
I don't think it was ever confirmed that Turn A would even be getting a UK release. Unless I've missed something, all I recall Andrew from Beez / Kaze saying that it was 'up for consideration'.

(Mind you, what's to consider? DOOOOO IIIIIT!!!)
Can't believe some people are commenting that £25 would be too expensive :eek: These are niche products being delivered to a small audience within a 26 eps box set. Anime box sets are reasonable up to £35 and good series around £40 in my opinion so needless to say I'm lapping up that £18 Gurren Lagann set.
--Sigil--Otaku-- said:
Can't believe some people are commenting that £25 would be too expensive :eek: These are niche products being delivered to a small audience within a 26 eps box set. Anime box sets are reasonable up to £35 and good series around £40 in my opinion so needless to say I'm lapping up that £18 Gurren Lagann set.

Dude, check the previous posts. It's not a question of the asking price so much as the circumstances surrounding what looked like a fair hike in it, and the circumstances surrounding said releases.

The situation seems to have resolved itself, in any case. Just under the twenty quid mark for these sets, as seems to be the case with Amazon and Play, seems a lot nearer the mark. It's competitive with the pricing of a good number of R1 Legends boxes as well. these shows just went back on my shopping list.

Just out of curiosity - has ANYONE on this board actually picked up an Anime Legends box set at RRP?
Well these legends are much newer titles. If you take them simply as a boxset release then they are comparable to other companies' boxsets. A new manga boxset is roughly between 20-25 quid depending on length.

If they didn't have AL branding I don't think anyone would complain, I think people are upset about the inconsistency.
Sparrowsabre7 said:
If they didn't have AL branding I don't think anyone would complain, I think people are upset about the inconsistency.

That was my point all along.

If the situation is that Beez were somehow not making money on the sets at that price, then I'd be the first to say 'Ah, well then, that's a fair cop, guv. You gotta charge what it's worth.'