Manga Entertainment need to take a chill pill

Aaron said:
Joshawott said:
To be fair, that's not really accurate...

You can order the DVD for £17.99 (with free postage) from Amazon, but the PlanetAxel is charging £26.63 (inc. postage, handling, customs and whatever else they're charging) for the BD/DVD.

For an almost-£9 difference, I think I'd rather just get the Manga DVD.
True...I had my $7-off voucher as well. But wait, free postage from Amazon? You sure?

Still, considering that it's 3 months in advance, with a BD thrown in too...DVD/BD for me xD
Apparently the Fairy Tail BDs are Funi Specials--aka bad upscales. That's what tipped the balance in favour of Manga's DVDs for me, although the BDs do look a bit better.

And also because I'm not even sure I'll like Fairy Tail. Lucy's heaving bosom may not be enough to hold my attention...
I'd settle for old school episode listings rather than a poster. It's very strange but I've noticed an increasing number of releases over here and in the US don't show anywhere what's on which disc, so it's sort of a lottery unless you have an encyclopaedia-like memory for episode numbers. Even when they cram them in on a reversible cover in a corner in tiny text, it's better than nothing.

I'm not at all interested in Fairy Tail, thankfully, so I don't have to make awkward decisions.

Aegelward said:
Whoever tweets for Manga is incredibly unprofessional, they use it as their personal account rather than providing anything substantial.

I guess they might have the green light for it, by making themselves 'relatable' but they guy always comes off as kind of an ****.

Reading the tweets, I can agree with the sentiment that Jerome is a complete twat when on Twitter. Probably suffering from GIFT without the anonymity or something. I did see him working at the Manga stand in the October MCM expo this year, but I didn't get the chance to talk to him about his twitter usage.

Aegelward said:
It'd be nice if they provided incentives. Or even took a few risks. Say for example offer multi-play options similar to movie releases now. Give people the option of downloading a digital copy with a code provided in the set, nothing too DRM heavy, and the option of ether subs or dubs (if it's done via itunes i don't think it supports multiple tracks)

Throw in extras like ADV used to, like mini posters or prints.

My personal option would be putting their back catalog, especially out of print shows (assuming they still hold some sort of licence) on an ad supported, free streaming service. If i had the personal finances to back that up, it'd be my option.

While I'm not saying it's a bad idea (In my opinion, that's a ******* awesome one), I'm not so sure Manga would take the idea and run with it. I mean, I have a gut feeling that if you put the idea forward they won't even bother to do it due to cost. But then, that's just my opinion

Aegelward said:
...Sorry, got a little ranty for my first post.

That's OK. We were all new here once.
Aegelward said:
Oh yeah, i forgot to say... Manga's authoring of BDs could be improved.

Frequently their subtitles lack boarders (making them hard to see under certain circumstances), i would hope they could update the subtitles via BDlive to make them more readable.

Also... they are almost always unnamed, on PS3, simply showing up as BDMV and without a splash image. Surely it can't take much effort to add a little something like that.
Most of their BDs are authored elsewhere - FUNi authored Evangelion for example and the Xam'd discs were the Sentai discs with the region changed (ads and all).
I don't feel massively compelled to buy BDs for shows like Fairy Tail (long running shounen shows for one thing, but more specifically ones that don't have a BD release in Japan), so Manga's offering may well get my money this time.
Resurrecting this one for a couple of gems just posted...

Tweet 1

Tim Maughan

"Worst of all, the film is visually dull" #REDLINE

2 hours ago

in reply to @timmaughan ↑
Manga Entertainment

@timmaughan It would be bad for the film's distributor to physically assault this reviewer wouldn't it?

Tweet 2
Anime Focus

Manga Suggest Releasing Sengoku Basara 2 @MangaUK
25 minutes ago

in reply to @anime_focus ↑
Manga Entertainment

@anime_focus If we farted would that make it onto your news flash?
8 minutes ago via web

And just a few days ago in the Otaku News Interview

4) How much weight do the reviews and thoughts of bloggers and independent anime sites, such as UK-Anime, actually have on companies?

A lot. But the art is in learning when to listen and when to ignore the many voices in the blogsphere. I have not learnt that art yet unfortunately.

Someone tell me. Why do I write reviews? Why do I get enthusiastic about product? If this is how review sites and reviewers in general are thought of...

<object width="480" height="360"><param name="movie" value=";hl=en_GB"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=";hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="480" height="360" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>
4) How much weight do the reviews and thoughts of bloggers and independent anime sites, such as UK-Anime, actually have on companies?

A lot. But the art is in learning when to listen and when to ignore the many voices in the blogsphere. I have not learnt that art yet unfortunately.
Then find another job or learn?
I think the interview was response was fine, in isolation. Unfortunately when coupled with his regular ability to say embarrassingly insulting things to his customers, it becomes awkward. I can cut him some slack over the Redline one as he's very passionate about that film, but what was the point exactly in making fun of the guy who reported some news? o_O

I still don't understand the role MangaUK's Twitter plays in their strategy.

@timmaughan It would be bad for the film's distributor to physically assault this reviewer wouldn't it?

@anime_focus If we farted would that make it onto your news flash?

Ah, this is more like it! This is some of that trademark aggression a true Jerome would be proud of.

Although, I too can forgive him for his Redline comment, as to be honest I'd probably put my hands on that reviewer too lol.

Anyway, Jerome is showing much promise. The more I'm seeing, the more I'm convinced he probably would start chatting up a woman with the opener "Yo babes"....
The Redline comment and the comment about online "voices" were absolutely fine imo. Just because you review something and are passionate about it does not mean you absolutely 100% deserve to be listened to in all circumstances.

The middle one about the news service though... needs to replace "fart" with "brainfart", since this seems to be one of those.
They're at it again. This time, they seem to have made some remark about how women would hate if Topshop closed and someone took offence to that.
This tweet sums them up really.

Besides, we all know women prefer Primark. My female Psych teacher had a rant at a student for going there before her xD.
Joshawott said:
They're at it again. This time, they seem to have made some remark about how women would hate if Topshop closed and someone took offence to that.
This tweet sums them up really.

Besides, we all know women prefer Primark. My female Psych teacher had a rant at a student for going there before her xD.
This pretty much illustrates the need for a personal account for Jerome more than ever. I think his original tweet is harmless, to be honest - asking for trouble when it's posted via a corporate account though.

Not sure which is more cringeworthy, his attempts to defend himself or the people who are acting like keyboard warriors taking pops at him.