Manga Entertainment need to take a chill pill

ConanThe3rd said:
Going out and calling yourself a criminal doesn't absolve you of the crime. It just makes the act of catching you that much easier.

The fact that Strike Witches is a shameless fanservice show should be a massive klaxon that wails any time anyone gets near it screaming "DON'T BUY THIS CRAP!" constantly until the would be victim trundles off and buys something more worthy of their time and money.

Well I've still got slightly more respect for them for being up front at least. For example if someone calls me out in the middle of the street to fight me for my coat (which did actually happen when I was a teenager, but it didn't go ahead in the end) yeah he's still a idiot but at least its one on one, and I can probably avoid people like him mostly, but when some little coward **** tries hack my computer or credit card details that just gets me on a whole other level of pissed off.

Likewise Strike Witches is objectively a terrible quality program that probably kills millions of braincells per second, yet its upfront about what it is and is clearly aimed at a very specific and small target audience who like that stuff, so in other words: me and other people who don't already like this stuff don't have to suffer it (well aside from Rui's poor man). What I can't stand is when they stuff this crap into things it shouldn't be in. It really bugs me when shows I would otherwise be into proceed to shove degrading and insulting imagery in my face every 5 minutes.

@MangaUK will be left in the v.capable hands of Andrew and Farhana.

Your working for Manga now too Andrew, I knew you were playin the field!
Well, given that Andrew is The only Sane man in the UK Anime Industry™ I figgure it's gotten to the point where he has to do absolutely everything otherwise people won't GET to buy the next badly printed disk of School Girl Milky Crisis.
Different Andrew there, their marketing assistant has the same name! As if I have *time* for much Twitter nowadays...!
kaze_andrew said:
Different Andrew there, their marketing assistant has the same name! As if I have *time* for much Twitter nowadays...!
Or, "Andrew" is actually a title given to people in the UK anime industry?
Kudos to him for saying those things. I hope they were said with meaning behind them and a glorious new era of Manga UK customer relations is on the horizon ^^;

Hate to disappoint you, but Jerome is literally on holiday.

Although I like to imagine a conversation in the office.

"I can keep tweeting even when I'm awa-"
"No. No! It's fine!"
*Sees Fanspergers comment*
*Reconsiders buying Manga UK stuff*

Thing is, while it's all great that Jerome came out and apologised, what he needs to remember is that the account he's using to do this stuff is a corporate account. If it was just his personal twitter, you'd be able to get him and the other day and smash their heads together, but with this? It makes the company as a whole look bad.
Joshawott said:
*Sees Fanspergers comment*
*Reconsiders buying Manga UK stuff*

Thing is, while it's all great that Jerome came out and apologised, what he needs to remember is that the account he's using to do this stuff is a corporate account. If it was just his personal twitter, you'd be able to get him and the other day and smash their heads together, but with this? It makes the company as a whole look bad.

Yeah, that is my feeling too. I don't check Jerome's personal account as I don't really care what he says about his own life, but if I want Manga UK news it pretty much all comes from their Twitter stream nowadays. And that's full of offensive ranting, which is no good at all. I think it's a bit rich to ask for sympathy for their company whilst their corporate account is insulting others!

It probably makes them seem edgy and cool to a certain demographic, but I'm not so sure that demographic is the one actually buying their anime.

In fact, he hasn't used his personal account since 6th July; which is odd considering how much the MangaUK page spams my feed.
ayase said:
Dodgy as this all is, I can totally see how Twitter causes these arguments. It's the internet equivalent of going into a rough pub and loudly running your mouth off about anything and everything. I hate Twitter with a vehemence.
Nah, Twitter is ace, just like the otherwise nice city that the rough pub is located in. Doesn't matter what environment you create, someone somewhere will put it to bad use.

Rui said:
I don't know what's more annoying, the level of ridiculous melodrama or the fact that it's so bally hard to read it in sequence after the fact. I gather that someone imported the expensive but subbed Japanese version of Redline because they don't care about dubs and therefore didn't care to wait for the delayed dub any longer, and somehow this caused the latest outbreak?
Ahahaha, awesome, I hope to get a nice response from them to the questionnaire I just filled in then. ^^;
ilmaestro said:
Ahahaha, awesome, I hope to get a nice response from them to the questionnaire I just filled in then. ^^;

Careful, people who import are on par with thieves and "It has been proven that most Asian anime exporters r also black market organ smugglers. BTW i made up that bit about Asian anime exporters smuggling body organs. But they r heavily involved in sex traffickin ...And shark fin smuggling.". You might be off Manga's Christmas card list soon ;(

R (hmm, I still seem to be annoyed!)
Jerome may have temporarily withdrawn from the front line (or has he?) but Manga UK just can't stop rubbing their customers up the wrong way! Expand the "Ho-hum" tweet on their feed, which I can't seem to hyperlink.

Just a minor drama this time, but it still don't look good.
I'm going to end up importing HOTD just out of annoyance now, even though I don't really want it that much anyway. Why can't they stop putting their feet in their collective mouth and instead put that energy into figuring out how to make products importers actually want, to convert us?
