Manga Ent cancels further Blu-ray Fullmetal Alchemist B

I'm a bit late, here, but for ya'll's info, the FMA: B DVD video quality is of the highest quality. How do I know, you ask? Well, I saw it with my own eyes, and I also read it in a review, at some point.

It's like Code Geass in terms of DVD sexiness.

Naturally, I don't have a tuv that's tuned into the hood, but I'd still say it looks mighty fine. Mighty.
Mohawk52 said:
BD for anime is not really necessary, unless one doesn't have a DVD player. The amount of gained detail isn't that great at the best of times. How much sharper can a drawn line with painted colours get?. SD is still good enough for me.

It's not just about detail and resolution, it's also about compression and data throughput. DVD images have to be compressed to fit on a disc, and for some bizarre reason that compression shows more with animation than for live action. Problems like aliasing, mosquito noise, and colour gradients all affect DVD anime, and whenever there is a lot of action on screen, picture break up to some degree is inevitable.

Anyone who has seen the opening sequence to Haruhi S1 can attest to that.

BD by its very nature allows more data throughput and less compression in the imagery, so even SD material on BD can be made to look a lot better than DVD.
I did notice it looked a little messy during Haruhi's OP, actually - when all the characters get shown in quick succession and the background looked... urr, pixely. (Idk, man..)

The rest looked sweet as though, so idc. The hood can wait.
DVD is good enough for most purposes, and I am by nature a nit-picker. When I get too whiny and complainy about DVD transfers, I've got a couple of VCDs that I put on to remind me of how bad it could have been, and if that fails, a couple of VHS tapes that I still have lying around.
No, seriously, people who don't actually know what they're talking about really should have learnt by now that their private "opinion" on whether HD brings any benefit to animation should very much stay that way.
Just Passing Through said:
Mohawk52 said:
BD for anime is not really necessary, unless one doesn't have a DVD player. The amount of gained detail isn't that great at the best of times. How much sharper can a drawn line with painted colours get?. SD is still good enough for me.

It's not just about detail and resolution, it's also about compression and data throughput. DVD images have to be compressed to fit on a disc, and for some bizarre reason that compression shows more with animation than for live action. Problems like aliasing, mosquito noise, and colour gradients all affect DVD anime, and whenever there is a lot of action on screen, picture break up to some degree is inevitable.

Anyone who has seen the opening sequence to Haruhi S1 can attest to that.

BD by its very nature allows more data throughput and less compression in the imagery, so even SD material on BD can be made to look a lot better than DVD.
I agree, but it's still not enough to justify the expense of BD when I'm just as happy with DVD, until such time as DVD goes the way of VHS, and it appears the market feels the same way.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Manga reporting on Twitter today that Eden of the East BD has sold 500 copies so far. Ouch.

That isn't exactly that representative...

Released on the 29th November...

The nation is snowed in that weekend

We get a few days respite and thaw down South. And last Friday we get snowed in again.

I think retail in general this Winter is buggered with a pitchfork. It's just unfortunate timing. Still, as Eden of the East isn't an ongoing series, it ought to claw something back in the following months, especially if Manga can pitch it hard when the first movie comes out.
So are we saying that the majority of anime sales are on the high street to people who are willing to pay £10 more? Because the snow wouldn't have prevented anyone from buying online.
fabricatedlunatic said:
So are we saying that the majority of anime sales are on the high street to people who are willing to pay £10 more? Because the snow wouldn't have prevented anyone from buying online.

Because it only snowed for real people, not for postmen or van drivers.

I know the snow is putting me off ordering online, just thinking about post being delayed, or boxsets winding up crushed at the bottom of mail mountains. I'm delaying some online orders until next year, and some other people might be too.
There's about as much evidence that the snow has had any effect on Eden's sales as there is to suggest Brotherhood's low numbers are due to importing. To say 500 sales in three weeks isn't "that representative" because the of weather is a similar leap of logic.

But I'm not really interesting in having this debate; all I wanted to do was post a fact I found surprising.
Geez first FMA:B and now EotE flop on Blu Ray...then there's no doubt about it, Manga UK need to drop Blu Ray releases at all for now...I don't want to see them go out of business because of this
Yeah, the EotE BD is not exactly a flop. It sounds as though Manga's sales estimate of 2000 is lower than what they were initially expecting, but it should be enough for the release to be profitable.
The numbers are still mind-boggling low (in the sense of "how does the industry in this country support 2.5 companies") for an entire series (and a fairly high-profile one at that) at such a good price. I wonder how many the DVD set sold.