London expo

What a great weekend

I think Sunday's Masquerade was damn good!

There was a Naruto cosplay group who did a dance routine to that Girlfriend song. But the twist was that they turned Naruto in to a girl in a skirt and then had Sakura and Naruto fight over Sasuke.

But the best bit was the FMA one

Edward Elric doing a strip-tease! I kid you not. Even the presenter came up blocking her reminding her that the expo is family entertainment. I didn't get a photo, but I wish I had.

Yaoi overdrive, me thinks. LOL!

M.G xx
@Ninja Boy,

Thanks for the awesome pictures! There's some very good cosplay there (which is, unforetunately, uncharacteristic of UK anime cons) and it's very cool that Afro Samurai's creator was there! Thanks ^_^
I just got back from going out to the Expo. It was really good this year, spread over four of ExCeL's exhibition halls, making it much larger than last year's. Probably due to the sheer size of the event and the Sunday sleepiness, it seemed less crowded this time around. The cosplayers were generally good, but I imagine the best ones probably came on the Saturday as opposed to today.

The stalls were quite good. Revelation Films were offering buy one get one free on individual DVDs, as well as whole boxsets, meaning there were lots of good deals to be had. Personally, I spent lightly just buying NewtypeUSA, Rozen Maiden manga volume six and Yotsuba manga volume five. I also ordered Voices of a Distant Star from ADV, as they didn't have it on them at the stall but were willing to send it to me for a fiver. Unfrotunately, I was too naive not to take a receipt, so whether I'll ever see that or not remains at question.

Also, I got ripped off by the ChoZen Noodle bar outside; £8 for a classy Pot Noodle! Argh! I didn't look at the price until after they'd already poured the bloody thing.

The Robot Wars demonstrations were also quite good fun, with the two heavyweights there flipping eachother about.

So, overall very good.
Had a great day at the expo on sunday, loved seeing all the cosplay costumes, especially the Bleach Bankai cosplayers, some of the weapons were insane.

I agree with adamcube about food prices being expensive, bought my gf a burger and chips and I havea chips too and it was a tenner.

I ended up buying some manga from the UP1 stall and also wanted a Bleach Hoodie from tokyo toys but they were out of stock in my size so I'll have to order it online

Even my non anime loving girlfriend had a great time and ended up buying more than me as she bought loads of xmas presents for her friends (couldn't get her away from the fantasy style stalls).

I am definately going again next year, and I really liked how quiet it was on the sunday as it gave you a chance to wander freely and chat with the people running the stalls.

Funniest bit for me was seeing Marina Sirtis (Counselor Deanna Troi) reading the paper in her signing booth as no one was going up to her instead everyone was queuing up past her to get to the Bleach voice actors.
Our group had an excellent time on Saturday despite ariving late (damnation upon you london transport), where ther goody bags like at japanex?

Like everyone there i think i spent a bit much but what the hey, i got myself a replica buster sword, kadaj's sword, the first omnibus edition of gunsmith cats and a fma pocket watch. Unfortunetly there was only one stall selling R1 dvds and they didn't have flcl.

Seeing all the cosplayers was interesting . One day i'll have to put the effort in to cosplay.

So whens the next one of these or something similar?
it was a mad one yesterday! first convention me and a few friends have been to! the cosplay was awesome, i think i must have irritated everybody by running at them screaming with my camera! some of the pics are up on my myspace

with more going up later.

also the underworld cosplay was damn cool! i want the werewolf tongue!!! XD
McIcy said:
Funniest bit for me was seeing Marina Sirtis (Counselor Deanna Troi) reading the paper in her signing booth as no one was going up to her instead everyone was queuing up past her to get to the Bleach voice actors.

On saturday during her 'performance' or whatever you called it she was getting really quite rude. Someone was trying to go to the toilet and she wouldn't let her. XD. Sounds funny was a tad irritating.

Bah, I'm not all to bothered, She was a tad full of herself though, When she asked who knew her, Only like 2 people put their hands up. (Haha)
Jayme said:
McIcy said:
Funniest bit for me was seeing Marina Sirtis (Counselor Deanna Troi) reading the paper in her signing booth as no one was going up to her instead everyone was queuing up past her to get to the Bleach voice actors.

On saturday during her 'performance' or whatever you called it she was getting really quite rude. Someone was trying to go to the toilet and she wouldn't let her. XD. Sounds funny was a tad irritating.

Bah, I'm not all to bothered, She was a tad full of herself though, When she asked who knew her, Only like 2 people put their hands up. (Haha)

I agree, when I heard her doing a question and answer session on the Sunday, her attitude was really bad and elitist. No wonder nobody wanted her autograph! To be honest, it kind of ruined the image I had of her when I used to dabble in watching Star Trek.
I was only there for the latter half of Saturday (you may have seen me sitting at or hanging around the Sega stand), but I had a lot of fun. Was cool to see such a wide range of fans there, and was good to see the industry seems to be growing.

I was particularly impressed with the high level of cosplayers present - there were clearly many dedicated fans out there, and many of the costumes looked excellent. Personal highlights include the Street Fighter group (particuarly Guy, cos I've been playing him a lot recently :D), Sanosuke from Kenshin, the Lucky Star girls, and the guy from The Typing of the Dead (possibly the most obscure one there). Didn't get to see the cosplay event though, does anyone have any videos or pictures? Do share!

I forced myself to behave, and only picked up a couple of bits and pieces -the Robotech box for cheap and a kickass G1 Optimus Prime!- but I could easily have gone overboard on the mecha toys.

Would have liked to have seen a few more events though, some more varied stalls, and a couple of announcements would have been nice. Still, I reckon I'll be up for the next one.
Just come back from having the best time at the Expo! fangirled anime actors and Star Trek people so was happy. Everyone was so friendly at the Expo, cannot wait until May! One of the best bits was watching my friends do the FMA 'stripper ed' skit...and then win a prize for it!!! I won't get my photos until the weekend sadly but some great ones online already!
>>Xel<< said:
*giggles* So tempted to post the 'live yaoi' that took place in the queue, lol.
Oh dear.
Anywho, I'll post a poor quality pic from my phone of Afro Samurai. *proud* got the creators autograph i did 8)

Shoulda made yourself known... would have got a cool free poster too! oh well


Anyway... some pics from me, mainly Afro related, but hope some of you were in them :D


Afro Samurai Cosplay​


Packed out booth... and terratag dude picking his nose!


Yes... Afro does fight women, he's not sexist in any way!​


Takashi Okazaki... creator of the original Afro Samurai manga series
I went, was probably the best one so far for me (been 4 or 5 times). I was cosplaying as a random Battle Royale student if anyone noticed. :p
Dominiku said:
I went, was probably the best one so far for me (been 4 or 5 times). I was cosplaying as a random Battle Royale student if anyone noticed. :p

Were you the guy with the red tie? who people confused for like... different characters?

cause I think I may have seen you at the Afro booth
Oooh, Afro samurai!! I saw you there, my friend got all excited pointing you out!! Those are great photos! I was there as Nyu/Lucy, was my first expo and i really really loved it!! Although, at first i was dead confused about all the free hugs people! But now i can't wait for May! Eep!!
Hey all! I was at the Expo on Saturday from 11am, then on Sunday 3pm-close. Mainly flitting between working the Sweatdrop stand, SelfMadeHero signings and lolita activities ^.^

There was a photographer taking lots of lolita fashion photos, I posted them up on the loligothuk livejournal community.

Check them out here:

I'm in the red cape/corset skirt set with glasses, and also in the red and black coat with the cat logo. Long black hair and glasses ^.^
sonia_leong said:
Hey all! I was at the Expo on Saturday from 11am, then on Sunday 3pm-close. Mainly flitting between working the Sweatdrop stand, SelfMadeHero signings and lolita activities ^.^

There was a photographer taking lots of lolita fashion photos, I posted them up on the loligothuk livejournal community.

Check them out here:

I'm in the red cape/corset skirt set with glasses, and also in the red and black coat with the cat logo. Long black hair and glasses ^.^

Damn I thought that was you at the Sweatdrop stand, I wandered past as I remember from minami con that you were with them then too
Were you the guy with the red tie? who people confused for like... different characters?

cause I think I may have seen you at the Afro booth

Nope, I wore a black (correct :p) tie. I was confused for Raito around town though once I took the collar off, though. :D
Dominiku said:
Nope, I wore a black (correct :p) tie. I was confused for Raito around town though once I took the collar off, though. :D

Fair enough... cool lol. There were a few Battle Royale cosplayers, but yeah..... black was a good call

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