Japan not best pleased by Brexit

The northern Ireland DEVOLVED government don't run the uk though do they, so you comparing a region of the uk to Germany is nothing but a Straw Man.

I get you have a problem with me posting anti EU opinions but please think your arguments over before you make them because they just confuse people.
The northern Ireland DEVOLVED government don't run the uk though do they
No, that's just the DUP.

Edit: Dammit, beaten to it.

And if you think the government of NI is irrelevant to this discussion Ken, what was the relevance of your comparison to the German government? We could compare the UK government to the government of North Korea or Syria and say "Well at least they're not that bad". That can be taken for granted, but quite what that has to do with anything I'm not sure.
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We could descend into total ********** and start comparing national government with regional ones, to try and make a straw man of a point but I think we're better than that.
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The northern Ireland DEVOLVED government don't run the uk though do they, so you comparing a region of the uk to Germany is nothing but a Straw Man.
I don't know, failing to have a government and doing a deal that potentially jeopardises a peace agreement that ended a long period of terrorism seems like a pretty huge clusterfuck to me. Though not directly comparable, I'd perhaps consider it worse than not having a government for the entire nation, because at least that generally doesn't involve the potential 'rebirth' of a terrorist organisation or two on home soil...

I get you have a problem with me posting anti EU opinions but please think your arguments over before you make them because they just confuse people.

Your confusing power sharing at Stormont between the IRA ( I mean Sinn Fein) and the Dup with regional representation at Westminster which I might add sinn Fein could take part in but refuse to out of principle of a united Ireland. I know Sinn Fein like to present the deal as the government taking a side ( which I might add is ********* because all the government did was give them more money to spend in NI a move that which benefits republicans to not just unionists ) but just because they don't won't to take there seats at parliament and throw there toys around like some kind of baby doesn't mean the Dup has to do likewise. And I highly doubt the troubles will start up again because a democratically elected party with mandate by there voters is doing there job and representing NI by getting them lots of money.
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Hi, can we stop using the word I deleted from those two posts as an insult? Because it’s not acceptable.

I have things I'd quite like to say on the Northern Ireland/DUP topic, but as I was typing them up it became clear once again that you'd rather just troll than have a sensible discussion Ken. So I'll be damned if I'm going to waste my time trying.
No trolling pal just pointing out the said word can be used informally and is only offensive when used to refer to people with mental disabilities or at least that's what my copy of the Oxford dictionary says.

But please do feel free to share your thoughts pal I promise I'll behave.
No trolling pal just pointing out the said word can be used informally and is only offensive when...

I don't care what your dictionary says. Argue it out with me via PM if you want, but it is not acceptable language and you have been notified separately now that I will be acting on my threat. Being a wise guy to a moderator over semantics you don't understand isn't smart.

Now back to the topic, please. PM me if you have a problem with me telling you off for being repeatedly offensive on a forum where that's not allowed.

You clearly do care what the dictionary says because you delete my post which was teaching you the correct use of said word. But seeing as you asked so nicely I'll refrain from using said word in the future.

I think Rui deleted your post because not only is it irrelevant, with ableist slurs being offensive no matter what the dictionary says, but also because trying to argue the rules of the forum with a mod is a rather moot point.
Maybe Labour would like to help oppose? The other parties are today hosting a meeting about at least keeping us in SM/CU. Corbyn has refused to attend.