Heroes TV Series

BlackWolf said:
LukasROAR said:
Aye i have, glad he's admitting and apologising lol.
Any idea when the series will pick up broadcasting again after the S2 finale?
Damn writers strike lol

Yeah, its nice when they do that, it shows they actually care and listen to critistism. As for when the series is coming back, i wish i knew. Didn't the first season have a small break between the shows around this time? At the very least there is negations to end strike soon, so hopefully it will return in january.

All American series' like this (usually) have a mid-season break so they can get around to finish filming the rest of the season.
Sorry about double post

Just thought I'd start this up. Lackluster or Decent series finale? [Notice: Excellent or great isn't there]

I go with the latter, because you have to give some leeway due to the fact that it wasn't even meant to be a volume finale. It wasn't all bad, I mean, yeah some parts were pointless. Also FINALLY Niki went kaboom. =D
I suspected the ending of Nathan getting shot when that scene started funnily enough. Kring seems to be putting his hopes on volume three by giving Sylar his powers back again, And that it pretty damn good by my books.

Lastly. I doubt very much we will see West again, or he might just be a friend. And Maya shouldn't of had been brought back to life, It wouldn't be missing much without her.

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I thought they did well considering they had to re-shoot parts for the writers strike. They told us more than they were planning on doing basicly. Still doesn't help the wait we now have untill it starts up again, which at the moment isn't looking to close. We maybe waiting a while so we might aswell get comfy.
Maya should have stayed where she was, I agree there. Her power has much to be desired. All we can hope for is that her character gets better. STOP WHINING DAMN IT!!

::Ahem...:: ¬_¬
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I thought it was pretty decent, giving slyar back his powers was a no brainer in my opinion, unless there was something big planned for him near the end of the season. Overall i didn't think this volume was all that bad to be honest, could of been better, but the first season was a tough act to follow. My only real complaint about this voulme would be the introduction of the deus ex machina (i think i spelt that right) that is Claire's blood, i mean seriously what's the point? Now any time that one of the main characters will be near death, boom, a vial of her blood and they are okay. Could be wrong and it may be improtant to the next volume but i hink they could of done the volume without it Sorry for that, i agree with the maya and west comments. Anyway the next volume won't begin till at least end of January due to the strike, which means plently of time to wonder what it will bring and to wonder who shot Nathan...
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Well, i suppose to the magical blood subject. There maybe the problem of the near death (phoenix down like) remedy but... don't they keep saying that it's all over if they get shot, stabbed or what ever threw the head/brain? I'd be fine with that coz then there is still a no way back scenerio to play.
There's only one problem with this no way back idea though. If you die from having something run threw your head then how come Noah Bennet got shot threw the head and survived? Shouldn't he have died?? Or am I just nit-picking?
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He should of, going by what they said, but both claire and Peter have survived otherwise leathal head shots, Claire when she got a bit of wood in her brain and Peter when he got a large shard of glass in his head Now that could just be because they have the proper form of the power, but i wouldn't be surprised if it turned out that this blood can revive people who have died due to massive head trauma *COUGH*Linderman*COUGH*

Of course this could be a good way for them to get certain other characters back to the story like DL, the company could of taken his body not long after it went to the moruge and bagged and tagged it and then froze it and then later used the blood on it and revived him Though there is obvious flaws with idea of mine, it is just an example of what they may be tempted to do now that they have this idea
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Well at least we agree on the fact that the idea was kinda stupid. Does that mean that any of the characters blood can affect another for a short time? Or they all just gonna eventually die from tetanus, rofl.
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About the shot in the head = instant death idea, I don't believe the people whom have said it throughout are exactly trustworthy (Adam, Angela Petrelli) . So that would sort of explain Noah's case.
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Ugh, at first I liked Sylar now him getting so many powers is sort of getting out of hand, worse than most SJ series in terms of main character power ups. ;/
Well after slagging off most of series 2 i actually quite enjoyed the finale.
In the spoilers i read Sylar was to be killed by Elle and Nikki was to die in a fire, also the virus was to be released and Nathan was to get seriously ill. I was going crazy with the thought of them killing off Sylar especially with such a poor character as Elle. Sylar has the potential to be a great character i'd love to see the writers play the 'Venom' card and make him an anti hero helping the heroes if only for the greater good of keeping himself alive against a bigger threat opposed to the same old sylar killings of series 1. So i'm glad some of the spoilers were wrong, i don't think Nikki is dead, the no body superhero rule is still in play :p plus i'm sure the writers wouldn't want to kill her off so easily even though personally her part as in this series has been poor and i don't really care of her outcome.
I'm not sure about the claire injections, it leaves the writers with the ability to bring back some great characters but also leaves us thinking well it's a get out clause to if the writers kill someone off and the audience don't like it they can bring them back. How will we now know if anyone is really dead? I don't believe it was a deus ex machina tactic though as their power have always been about genetics from episode one and it makes sense that her power can be incorporated this way so i don't think they pulle dit out at random to save a few characters, if you look deep enough the idea had been there from early on.
Anyone have any ideas to who 'villains' will focus on? obviously Sylar but i think they might bring back the evil side of the company with the fact they only 'seemed' good in comparison to Kensei but with Nathan being shot it shows that they'll do anything to keep their secrets hidden.
One last question, i know Peter lost his memory and then regained it but when did he become such a brutal badass, last series he was a kind hearted nurse, he just doesn't work as a tough character imo.
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I was talking about the finale with one of my uni friends earlier and we discussed the idea that the company was to be the main focus for the next volume, along with sylar of course. I aslo think they may focus on Matt a bit and show off his newly evolved power, will he turn out like his father? Will the power go to his head?.

A final comment about the blood thing from me is, would the same kind of thing work with other powers? for example if you took some of nathan's blood would you be able to fly for a short period? I still think it was a plot device that will be abused but i'll keep an open mind when volume 3 comes around
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Maybe the blood thing does work.... maybe if taking an injection of someone elses blood, can give you their powers for a short period of time. Then maybe that explains how Syler is able to absorbe powers of the people whoms brain he ate (or whatever he does.). Hmm, I think I mite have something there.
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Man, half the posts on this thread are censores for spoilers...anywho, My respect for Sylar has gone up a little after last nights replay episode (I missed the final episode -.-). At first I thought he was just some power-crazy, lonely man with a hat. Now, he's still a power-crazy, lonely man only without the hat and God knows how many powers. If he keeps this up he could possible be at the ninjitsu level from Naruto(where there's a ninjitsu for EVERYTHING). Possibly.
sorry about that :p it would be hard to talk about season 2 without people bitch slapping us for spoiling it for them.

Voddas, you may be right about your theory, still i want them to explain how slyar gets his powers but i kinda don't at the same time, in case they ruin it (like by saying he gets the powers by wearing the brain like a hat or something stupid like that)
We need to get this Gormond fellow whom made the thread put Spoilers into the title. Or we could just not have it and let the people with half a brain cell not click on it because they pretty much every other forum is flooded with spoilers which you can just ignore. Basically.

C'mon Heroes.
BlackWolf said:
Voddas, you may be right about your theory, still i want them to explain how slyar gets his powers but i kinda don't at the same time, in case they ruin it (like by saying he gets the powers by wearing the brain like a hat or something stupid like that)
LMAO! Damn that was funny. I do know what you mean though. The whole not knowing makes the idea all that more intreaging. Youre right, it's probably be best we don't know. lol, brain hat!

Voddas said:
BlackWolf said:
Voddas, you may be right about your theory, still i want them to explain how slyar gets his powers but i kinda don't at the same time, in case they ruin it (like by saying he gets the powers by wearing the brain like a hat or something stupid like that)
LMAO! Damn that was funny. I do know what you mean though. The whole not knowing makes the idea all that more intreaging. Youre right, it's probably be best we don't know. lol, brain hat!


LAMO! :lol:

That has made my day, thanks :D

It would be best if they kept us in the dark about it. A thought had just occured though, how long would sylar be in the next season anyway before he's called to go and start shooting the new star trek movie (Sylar as spock who would of thought it) ?
I know, I heard about that a while back. Simon Pegg is Scotty too :D I'm looking frwd to it myself like. Think they were suppose to start filming when the end of this Heroes series had been done. Probably won't be the case now with the writers on strike. Then again, does that mean the film will be put back too? Man, I wished they'd get sorted with all this. ¬_¬
RetroRainbow said:
Getting the box set of this for Christmas, everyone keeps saying it's amazing.

It sure is. Box sets are the way to go then you don't have to wait anxiously week to week lol. i watched hours of back to back heroes when it was on sci-fi my mate sky+ the lot :D.
Just got the dvd's myself too. Happy viewing.