I'd fallen behind a bit due to work and whatnot, but I'm in the process of catching up again at the moment.
Anyway, before the ep5 discussion fades entirely
Akyho said:
Yeah i was watching and when Motoko went to her friends, i flashed back and went "oh yeah! Motoko is by genreal a lesbian!". I am suprised i own the copy were that scene wasnt edited.
Admittedly, my knowledge of the manga is somewhat patchy (although it is the next thing on my GN 'to buy' list), but I thought the general consensus was that, if you want to put her in a box at all, she is most likely bisexual as she has a boyfriend as well. I know it's an emotive subject for a lot of people, but I was never sold on Motoko's virtual funtime as any indication of a definite preference.
The SAC series doesn't seem to dwell much on her sexuality, but I always thought Motoko's dalliance with virtual sex was more akin to drug abuse - like Holmes injecting cocaine to keep his brain active. If she was truly interested in her 'diving partners', why not just engage in the physical act? Even the room they use for diving struck me as more like an old-fashioned opium den than anything else.
I know you could argue, "so why aren't there men involved?" That would be where any notion of this being a serious discussion kinda falls flat.
I don't have a source for this (at least not beyond "Daryl Surat said so!"), but allegedly Shirow only drew the original diving scene as a lesbian encounter because he didn't want to draw "man butt". And, knowing his subsequent track record, that sounds entirely plausible.