Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (Rewatch)

Just sat here atm watching 1-3 and my god watching this one DVD is rubbish... I've owned the DVD's for years but when I first watched it, I saw it on fansub.... All i can say is that the fansubs are far superior to the official dvd's.
Ep 4 nothing much happens realy. Except you still wanna watch it.

Bit late to see ep 5 but everyone else seems late too. We will probs get a double bill of opinions tomorrow.

Hokum i am not a mod or anything. On Fansubs dubs or sub, just keep that opinion to yourself you know how the arguments can go with such subject.

I could argue but i am not going too. I ultimatly say "will it cure cancer if we find out who is right?" no it wouldnt so i dont bother.
I don't think you get my meaning, the DVD quality is fine, but I watch with subs, and the fansubs.. subs... are much better timed, paced and over all clearer than the official DVD.

So please before you jump on your high horse over fansubs be aware of what i'm talking about. Also tbh most of the mods here are aware of and probably watch fansubs. But i digress.

Ep5, a scene setting ep, building up to the next episode, so nothing is resolved but leaving many questions.

We see the footage of the first incident in the laughing man case with the weather reporter with the (real?) laughing man with Serano.

Nice to see a nod to the manga with the major in bed with some other women while "diving".
Hokum said:
I don't think you get my meaning, the DVD quality is fine, but I watch with subs, and the fansubs.. subs... are much better timed, paced and over all clearer than the official DVD.

I was going to watch it subbed this time around - I lasted 2 minutes and went back to the dub. I'm so thankful it's such a good quality dub. The subs on this DVD are... dire.

Hokum said:
Ep5, a scene setting ep, building up to the next episode, so nothing is resolved but leaving many questions.

We see the fottage of the first incident in the laughing man case with the weather reporter footage of (the real?) laughing man with Serano.

Nice to see a nod to the manga with the major in bed with some other women while "diving".

I love this reference to the manga too! It's no surprise they changed the event though, eh? ;)

I love how these two episodes really give you a wealth of information relating to The Laughing Man - but it's not too much. It's easily taken in, and leaves you dying for more. I can't wait to get episode 6 down tommorow.
Godot said:
I was going to watch it subbed this time around - I lasted 2 minutes and went back to the dub. I'm so thankful it's such a good quality dub.

On the subject of the dub:

It's an awesome dub. A real standout effort. And I'll Erupting Burning Fingah (and Heat End!) anybody who argues with me.

Apart from being very well executed, it's also got a LOT of familiar voices in there. I got a belt when Dan Woren showed up in episode 4 (or is it episode 5?)

And I'm not too proud to say that Mary McGlynn's voice makes me go all wobbly in my knees, Hubba hubba! Rowr! Etc.
Anyvase dub sub or fansub talk aside.

Yeah i was watching and when Motoko went to her friends, i flashed back and went "oh yeah! Motoko is by genreal a lesbian!". I am suprised i own the copy were that scene wasnt edited.

This is what your get gripped on SAC because it gives you enough info then pulls it away then gives some more lets you grasp it....except you dont know what to do with it untill later....then just might yank it back.

I was caught in marring at how the episodes didnt feel like a a fictional animation. I couldnt help but keep thinking if this was even done with the budget for the tv serise 24 you could get a good live action show going. At the end of ep 6 i was watching as the detail of that family walked off into the background. Flicked back to the cheif then back to motoko and the family was further away.

Aswell as the paranoia on who would be cyber hacked.
Episode 6

Well I felt the first half of this episode to be weak in ways - Although it was great action, there was little in terms of developing the plot or characters. It's strange - when I first saw Ghost in the Shell, it was moments like those that I adored. It would seem in the 1-2 years since first seeing the show my tastes have developed somewhat.

The second half of the episode was fantastic though. The first instance of a 'Stand Alone Complex', explained by Aramaki was a nice point. And the fact that the Laughing Man's logo is starting to appear - it's great. I say great, but with the magnificent soundtrack it turned to creepy - Velveteen was very appropriate for these scenes!

It's these dark sides of Ghost in the Shell that I'm really loving. I think I'm really going to need to explore the Cyberpunk genre far more after this re-watch. I'm glad I've waited so long since re-watching too - I'm enjoying this show so much right now. If it wasn't for this simul-watch I'd be blitzing the boxset - but I think it's best that I pace myself ;)
No one else to comment on Episode 6 yet? Aww.

Episode 7

A weaker episode in my opinion. Nice action sequences, though. An introduction to ghost dubbing too.

The only thing I can really see in this episode is whether Ghost Dubbing means that an artificial being could be a human? And whether or not such icons and heroes such as Jarti in this case would be kept alive by such means.

Anyone elses opinion would be great. I really have none and kinda forced that out.
Haven't watched it yet (will catch up tonight) but 'Idolater' is actually an episode I'm very fond of.

I like it for the scrap between Motoko and Jarti. She really looks like she's in trouble at one stage.
I'd fallen behind a bit due to work and whatnot, but I'm in the process of catching up again at the moment.

Anyway, before the ep5 discussion fades entirely

Akyho said:
Yeah i was watching and when Motoko went to her friends, i flashed back and went "oh yeah! Motoko is by genreal a lesbian!". I am suprised i own the copy were that scene wasnt edited.

Admittedly, my knowledge of the manga is somewhat patchy (although it is the next thing on my GN 'to buy' list), but I thought the general consensus was that, if you want to put her in a box at all, she is most likely bisexual as she has a boyfriend as well. I know it's an emotive subject for a lot of people, but I was never sold on Motoko's virtual funtime as any indication of a definite preference.

The SAC series doesn't seem to dwell much on her sexuality, but I always thought Motoko's dalliance with virtual sex was more akin to drug abuse - like Holmes injecting cocaine to keep his brain active. If she was truly interested in her 'diving partners', why not just engage in the physical act? Even the room they use for diving struck me as more like an old-fashioned opium den than anything else.

I know you could argue, "so why aren't there men involved?" That would be where any notion of this being a serious discussion kinda falls flat.

I don't have a source for this (at least not beyond "Daryl Surat said so!"), but allegedly Shirow only drew the original diving scene as a lesbian encounter because he didn't want to draw "man butt". And, knowing his subsequent track record, that sounds entirely plausible.
The question arises whether the Major was actually born female in the first place. When you can swap out your body at will, you aren't restricted in your outward appearance. I can't remember which episode it is off hand, but Batou does make a comment to that effect, wondering why the Major doesn't opt for a stronger, male body. In that respect, sex and sexuality becomes more of a lifestyle choice than a genetic and/or emotional imperative.
From the virtual sex standpoint, in the manga, don't forget the bit when Batou connects to the Majors brain during a session and feels very ill from not having the organs (being a male). So his brain tries to make sense of the input and likening it to copulating slugs...

Anyway EP6. Good episode, I like the action, especially, the bit when the cyborg hits the Major, and her feet smash through the floor... shows that she is pretty tough!

The assassination attempt by the stand alone complexes reminds me of some of the spontaneous facebook events when people suddenly turn up somewhere. Like the zombie attack on that apple store.

“Is this the way to the generals assassination?”
Just Passing Through said:
The question arises whether the Major was actually born female in the first place.

2nd Gig spoiler: I haven't watched it through for quite a while, but did the 2nd Gig not confirm that she was born female?

Hokum said:
“Is this the way to the generals assassination?”

That guy was hilarious. He deserves a screencap.

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My thoughts on the episode 'Idoalter' in more depth:

This is actually one of my favourite episodes from the first series. It's got some insane ass-whuppin' in it!

The Tachikoma shooting out the windows of that building so Motoko can get inside? Excellent! I love the chaos that unfolds there. Motoko owns all! ALL, I say!

And the 'multiple Jartis' twist is still pretty neat, even after having seen the episode several times.
Oh lord, I had forgotten that ep7 has the "Batou is watching you pee!" moment.

Otherwise, I don't really have much to add about that one. Some nice action and plenty of it. Gondo has a bad face. A bad face.

Ep 7 was a great action ep. Story has just bullet points.

Gondo reminds me of the cyberbrain hacker guy in gits movie. The one with optic camo that motoko broke his arm.

Motoko does comment that her seuxality is not a meaning to her. Except she clings to it as its partly one of few things she has as an ID.

Yeah she does have a male friend at a point in the manga atleast. Motoko understands relationships and such except she never seems intrested too much to go for them. The chemistry with Batou and Motoko you feel as just friends. Never possibly anything more.

We are kind of being scattered brained as there isnt much to talk about in these eps.
Professor Irony: I loved that old guy too :p

I do wish I could screen cap - I just get a black screen usually Dx

I loved the Batou watching you pee moment though too :p - Personally though I'm still looking forward to the Complex episodes coming back. Episode 6 ended so well dammit.
Professor Irony said:
Otherwise, I don't really have much to add about that one. Some nice action and plenty of it. Gondo has a bad face. A bad face.

Took me a while to get that (it's been a long day). He wouldn't be alone in having short legs in this series either, from what I remember of some of the art.

Side note: I assume that's not the aspect ratio you're watching it at?

Need to do some major catchup with this, will be a good excuse to watch the subs this time round... if I can make it past the first episode. The mind boggles as to how Manga screwed up the R2 subs that badly, and 2nd GiG was worse from what I read (yes, I am bitter I bought the R2 versions of both sets).
Akyho said:
Yeah she does have a male friend at a point in the manga atleast. Motoko understands relationships and such except she never seems intrested too much to go for them. The chemistry with Batou and Motoko you feel as just friends. Never possibly anything more.

Reminds me of something that happened when I watched this series with some friends of mine who aren't really into anime. (They were interested in the show, and kinda got hooked on it after a few episodes)

There's actually a point in an episode near the end of the series where there's *just* enough of a suggestion that *maybe* something could develop. At least, that's how my friends took it.

It's open to dispute, and it's arguably a throwaway little moment, but I'll make a mental note to point it out when we get there.

Personally, I've always liked the idea that Motoko is an island, and unapproachable. It gives her that cold, flawed edge that makes strong willed characters like her work, in my opinion.
Episode 8

Nice character development episode here. I'll edit in some more here later. I'm only doing this so people know today was Ep 8 day lol.