Getting to know you guys

ayase said:
skikes said:
Maxon said:
Seems like it.

*slaps maxon in the face with a dick*
Are you quite finished doing that? Guess not...

Hello duckys

skikes said:
Maxon said:
Seems like it.

*slaps maxon in the face with a dick*

Not my own ofcourse. God knows where that face has been ¬_¬


Slapping people with ex-Vice-Presidents is not how you resolve your rage issues, son. And don't worry, I'm sure your dick has been in worse places.
Otaku-san said:
Chaz said:
No, it's Mad Mod! He's clearly a cartoon rep of Mr John. (McDowell just did the voice. :p)

nope mad mod has better design seance, even for a comic book character
*Breate in to answer debate...*
Your point. :p

And when have I upset anyone, Devilrules666? ;) I may have thrown fire into a heated discussion at odd times, but I'm no motivational troll.
Chaz said:
Otaku-san said:
Chaz said:
No, it's Mad Mod! He's clearly a cartoon rep of Mr John. (McDowell just did the voice. :p)

nope mad mod has better design seance, even for a comic book character
*Breate in to answer debate...*
Your point. :p

well you could say his yellow brick road album was a success or something, don't get me wrong i like his music. I just can't image MadMod going around like this...

"Dat ****"