Picking up a few miscellaneous things here. 
In the flashback scene between Gendo and Naoko, it's her who initiates the kiss, but it doesn't look to me like he responds.

(It's never seen in the anime.)

That's of course very true. But, given those character naming choices, I just get the sense that Anno must've already had some kind of interest in the field of psychology even before Gunbuster.I'm sure a lot of people have heard of Freud and know what he did, but not have a deeper understanding.
No, there are none. The first real indication of is it that scene where Ritsuko tells Gendo: "Why don't you just have your way with me? Just like you did that time." (My own translation of the Japanese dialogue.)I can’t remember offhand, were there ever any actual scenes of intimacy between them? I can only recall the shot of Gendo kissing Ritsuko’s mother, while she looks on.
In the flashback scene between Gendo and Naoko, it's her who initiates the kiss, but it doesn't look to me like he responds.
Off the top of my head, that's "Girlfriend of Steel 2nd". I think it's Unit-04 he pilots. I'm not sure whether the design for it was made especially for the game, or whether it used an existing depiction of the unit.poor Kensuke would never have been in the running after all (although I believe one of the later non-canon games did finally feature him as a pilot).

(It's never seen in the anime.)
I'd like you to look more at the games too, Prof. This thread will still be here even after the simulwatch, and there's our multi-purpose Evangelion thread as well.I’d also like to look more at the games before we do End, but that’ll depend a lot on how the time goes.