Also I will be honest who cares about local elections and BJ was only in 4 months and made an impact the new leader can make the impact in 2 months and during the leadership election.
Depends who it is, Leftish candidate might do well, If Labour head to the centre, might as well give up, How many "moderates" are there left?Also I will be honest who cares about local elections and BJ was only in 4 months and made an impact the new leader can make the impact in 2 months and during the leadership election.
What you suggest is practically impossible, Tory voters (if you can use that term? sweeping terms don't do anybody favours) seem to want a small state presents, would rather have a "self centric approach" to finance and seem to heading into a coffin soon, since the average age of the Tories supporters is 59.
SNP support is what used to be Labour before Blair and Brown betrayed the Scots, with a mixture of illegal wars and trials of policies that would make Thatcher blush ( if you could ever make that bloody woman show any form of human emotion)
So to try and appease both of these divergent ideologies is not possible, whose ever heard of a selfish liberal socialist,
Labour doesn't need Hodge and Hillary Benn anywhere near the leadership, Hodge because the left side of the party truly hate her for all the anti semetism bullhorning, and Hillary Benn is nothing like his father, If Tony was still alive I doubt the press and media would have been quite so brazenly pro tory, that is by the by.
“We send the EU £350 million a week, let’s blow half a million on making a bell ring once”
Nice to see the government tackling the issues that really matter to those millions of people who voted leave. Jobs? Housing? Immigration? Nah, bell ringing in remain voting London is where it’s at. This is topping even blue passports in levels of inconsequential nonsense. That this and a family falling out amongst a bunch of toffs is what’s dominating newspaper front pages speaks volumes about this country’s priorities. Jesus.
terrified by their own mortality
Have you seen The Animatrix?Matrix
Have you seen The Animatrix?That's exactly why they made the Matrix. To turn us into compliant batteries because we cut off their power source of the sun. Of course it's a bit of stupid lore writing as that would have killed us too, but then again most humans are stupid enough to think that was a good plan!