General Games Discussion

I've been getting a real handheld game craving lately which is so unlike me. I'm planning on getting Spirit Tracks at some point (I hear it's the better of the DS Zeldas) but I'm also looking at 999: 9 Hours, 9 Something, 9 something else. I've heard people speak of it in a positive manner around here, would anyone care to enlighten me a bit about what makes it so good? :)
Sparrowsabre7 said:
I've been getting a real handheld game craving lately which is so unlike me. I'm planning on getting Spirit Tracks at some point (I hear it's the better of the DS Zeldas) but I'm also looking at 999: 9 Hours, 9 Something, 9 something else. I've heard people speak of it in a positive manner around here, would anyone care to enlighten me a bit about what makes it so good? :)

It's been a long while since I played it so bare with me here, this'll probably sound a bit off to those who have a fresher recollection of it.

It's pretty much a visual novel text adventure with puzzles thrown in. The puzzles aren't that challenging, but do give you some thought. The real draw is the plot - which is scripted, written and translated really well. There are multiple endings (6 to be precise, you can only get the true ending by getting a certain other ending before hand though.) along different branching paths. I don't want to say too much about it, as I can only really remember the really spoilerific stuff, but the atmosphere for the setting is totally spot on, with the great soundtrack going a huge distance to help that mood. So if the general premise sounds interesting then I'd say go for it.

If anyone else has a better way to describe it then please help me out here, currently flailing a bit and it's reminding me to replay 999 before Virtue's Last Reward comes out!
So, who took part in the #GiveYuTheShenmueLicense twitter campaign today? It's still ongoing, so there's still time to send a tweet!

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*wipes a lone tear from eye*
I can't be bothered making a Tokyo Game Show topic just yet, so i'll do it in the morning. But in the meantime, i thought i'd link the latest trailer for Layton vs Gyakuten here. Kudos if notice the judge(hard to miss him)
Was at Eurogamer Expo London yesterday with the missus. Wasn't bad, although I found some of the stuff a bit hard to get excited over. Think her favourite game was Aliens hehe
Nintendo are releasing the limited edition Pikachu 3DS XL later this year, in limited quantities.

The Wii U is also out later this year.

F--- you Nintendo. F--- you. I can't afford both.
FourthLion said:

But I already have the Zelda one... and there are no games... but it's SOOOOO CUUUTE...
Kid Icarus Uprising, New Super Mario Bros. 2, Super Mario 3D Land, Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance, Dead or Alive Dimensions, Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy. Then there's Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward out in November, Paper Mario Sticker Star out in December, then there's Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor Overclocked out by the end of the year. Also, lots of cool downloadable only titles like Pullblox (with its sequel Fallblox in November), Liberation Maiden and Dillon's Rolling Western ad let's not forget Pokémon Dream Radar which can be used with Black 2/White 2.
"No games" wut?

Speaking of 3DS games though...Square Enix have said that they currently have no plans to localise "Bravely Default: Flying Fairy" for the western market. So "Operation Brave" has been launched on Facebook and Twitter (you can find their pages by searching "Operation Brave" or using the Twitter hash tag #OperationBrave). Basically asking people to really bug Square Enix on the Bravely Default FB/Twitter pages and Square Enix USA/EU's twitters.
I thought i'd leave this in here as for some reason, i can't see a Steam topic, and this isn't exactly just a "who's who" thing. I have 6 DOTA2 invites to get rid off. It was 3 up until earlier today, then suddenly i got bombarded with another three from valve earlier. So i'm willing to offer them to you guys if you want any. First come, first serve basis, but yeah, just let me know. AngelArbalest is my steam id if you haven't got it to ask for one via steam. So yeah, please feel free to ask to claim one.
Dota - Defence of the Ancients is what we call a MOBA game(Multiplayer online battle arena). 5v5 style game where you defend your towers and essentially your main base from your opponents. Simple in description, extremely hard to master. There is a good ton of characters to choose from, and none of them play the same. Add in the items you need to learn as well and builds, it can get pretty challenging pretty fast.

While i'm here, this appeared earlier on. Apparently Bethesda have gone and trademarked Fallout for an ongoing TV series. So yeah, no we could possibly see a series on the way for it. I don't mind this, but i'm kind of glad that they didn't take Elder Scrolls for this, i can only imagine that not working. Sure it may be a good enough premise, but hrm.
I don't know if i'd call it a HD port, but a port none the less. Going by the screens/etc i've seen, the quality isn't much better than on the 3DS(and the 3DS version is pretty good to say the least). As i discussed on twitter, i'm not sure about double dipping yet. I expect the WiiU version will be the most like the 3DS version with the controller, but not sure bar that. I have heard though, that Raid mode has extra characters, specifically HUNK and a couple others as well. All i can say is, they better make rachel a damned playable this time. Oh, and Rebecca wouldn't go amiss either.

Oh, i think i mentioned to you that RE:Revelations would be the port mentioned in the ONM reveal, i take that back. People are saying that RE6 for WiiU is planned to be announced alongside a Claire Campaign. Who knows. That could be at Nintendo Direct tomorrow as well though.
A friend was enthusing about Skyrim and it and it made me long for those experiences again, so I thought I'd load it up and start a new game. Steam informed me it needed to perform what it called a "game content conversion" which apparently required a "few minutes" time. So far it's been running for half and hour and has just started downloading what appears to be a MASSIVE quantity of data. I don't know exactly how much, what it is downloading and for what purpose or how long it's going to take, because it won't let me look. I receive only the annoying bell sound when I try to click anything (I don't think a noise has filled me with such murderous rage since the Windows 98 error noise) I can't stop the process and I'm concerned I'll screw something up if I force quit out of Steam.

I didn't used to mind these digital distribution platforms. I thought they were the future, keeping everything organised and up to date. Now with my unplayable Mass Effect 3 on Origin and having to put up with this utter ******** on Steam, I've decided I F*CKING HATE THEM. I no longer get to choose when I play my games orwhen to install patches (if at all). It was quicker to load up a sodding Spectrum tape than wait for these mandatory updates. I've had no choice but to relinquish control to a higher but also stupider and more controlling authority than myself - it's depressingly like society.

Good luck getting me to part with any cash for your games in the future, publishers. Since next-gen consoles are very likely to take players rights away by locking games to specific machines and forcing them to pay full whack for brand new copies, I'm going back to spending my time and money on Warhammer 40k instead. At least I know I can play whenever I want to without having to sign a licence agreement every time I open a new box of miniatures, having to wait several hours for a pot of paint to be brought up to date and can return faulty items without having to deal with technical support staff who barely understand English and are obviously instructed to deny that problems are in any way the fault of the people who are actually to blame.

Bye computer gaming. It's been a fun couple of decades.

Edit: This is pathetic. Two hours. 30% completed. Download speed averaging 600kbps. WHAT IS IT DOING!?

Edit 2: Six hours. Whatever it was doing is finally done. Now I have to play in my sleep deprived state just to spite them.
So I have two Zavvi codes (10%/11%) and I have worked out I have enough spare money this month to get a game, the question is which one?

Metal Gear Rising or Ni No Kuni?