Figure discussion/picture thread

ilmaestro said:
Stuart-says-yes said:
Actually, (here me out here),doesn't spending so much money on plastic feel a waste?
Nope, and as a general answer to your question I would just wonder why people spend money on any type of art.

Unlike DVDs and Manga Stu (providing you also dont mess around with the packaging too much) Figures would hold their value far better ;)

You may ask why keep them in the box? Well in my defense i dont want them clogged up with dust as i plan to get a glass cabinet to display them in the future, that would be my reason at least :)
Stuart-says-yes said:
ilmaestro said:
Stuart-says-yes said:
Actually, (here me out here),doesn't spending so much money on plastic feel a waste?
Nope, and as a general answer to your question I would just wonder why people spend money on any type of art.

Because it looks good right? fair enough though.

Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like I was belittling figure collecting, by the way.
Clouded also makes a good point, in a lot of cases they hold their value pretty well (and in many cases do more than that), so they are a "sensible" purchase in their own right.

And no, I know you weren't doing that, but it is a hard question to answer past "I want to".
OK, so I spent a good time going through "recent" entries on nekomagic... and came up with a mere 35 or so figures I want to buy. ;_;

How do you really narrow it down to the ones that "have" to be bought? Are you more swayed by your favorite characters? What would fit best into your collection? Simply the outright "objective quality" of the figure?

Highlights that I'm thinking about preordering:

Kotobukiya's Fate Testarossa Casual wear
Bandai's Composite Haruhi Custom
Gift's Matou Sakura
Proovy's Poplar Army
Kotobukiya's Kirisame Marisa
And Hakurei Reimu (Nnngghh... this would break my "don't start buying Touhou merchandise" rule... but I want them)
Phat!'s Pixtone BRS
And Dead Master
GSC's Black Gold Saw (and their Strength, once she's listed)
Max Factory's Mugi
ilmaestro said:
And Hakurei Reimu (Nnngghh... this would break my "don't start buying Touhou merchandise" rule... but I want them)
Clearly not wearing bloomers, **** off.
+ points for ponytail and armpit service though.

Still need to pickup Touhou Kourindou ~ Curiosities of Lotus Asia at some point.
The crap I need to get from Japan list is getting long again.
CloudedMinds said:
ilmaestro said:
Stuart-says-yes said:
Actually, (here me out here),doesn't spending so much money on plastic feel a waste?
Nope, and as a general answer to your question I would just wonder why people spend money on any type of art.

Unlike DVDs and Manga Stu (providing you also dont mess around with the packaging too much) Figures would hold their value far better ;)

This is what i would have said, at least with buying figures your in a lot of cases as clouded said they keep there vaule or even go up.

Friends at work asked me the same question doesn't it feel like a waste, one of them she just doesn't understand how i can spend like £40 on something that just sits there and does nothing.
I don't think there any different that having any type of orniments or art work up. There pretty and look good.


Hahah thats quite a few figures your wanting there. I normaly mainly buy ones that i like the character of or the series. Thought i tent to buy more male figures than female -even though there aren't as many-

I really really want these but there a damn exclusive and pretty expensive for only 1/10's ... izou_1_10_ ... _10_gassen ... _1_10_gass

Even if i could just have Saitou i would be happy ~cries~
Thats alot mae lol!

Anyway, found out my total cost today

Seems like HS are going to ship both of the BRS figures together at a cost of 17,267yen (£131) which isnt too bad i suppose.

In regards to the BRS figure Aya-kun, that tend to sell around $200 2nd hand from what i understand, so to get it for only $67 and brand new is a real bargain and probably would see its value rise in the future :)

The Deadmaster and Subaru Nakajima figures arent too bad with both on Sal shipping at a cost of £61. Subaru set me back around £11 with Deadmaster £50 with shipping included.

The only other worry now is how much will the import charges and handling fees be?
Reaper gI said:
+ points for ponytail and armpit service though.
CloudedMinds said:

Its an absolute beauty aswell and only set me back around £40 i think :D
Oh man, that is gorgeous. Suddenly I find myself afflicted with a serious case of the "wants".
Good timing :D

Took some shots of Kureha today, along with some Nene (Love+) shots too

Anyway, Kureha first!

And now for Nene Anegasaki

Took awhile to get some decent photos as the focus was not behaving like it should!
Am i seeing things? lol

Anyway, if its the first time for you i would suggest to stick with play-asia even though you can get that figure cheaper elsewhere. At least with Play-Asia you can cancel the order anytime

Couldnt pick a better manufacturer Stu, you may find out that as soon as you have do end up with even more ;)
Stuart-says-yes said:
Indeed the reason why I ordered with them clouded, that and they don't charge your card until the model is ready to be shipped, unless other websites don't charge until the item is sent, though it wasn't very clear on other websites.
It's not normal to charge for pre-orders. The exception is for resin kits (esentialy made to order, preorder only) and some BD/dvd boxsets (don't want overstock of super expensive stuff)e.g. Lucky star Boxset
Amiami etc. will blacklist you for canceling repetedly. (you're waisting a resevation slot on a potentialy in demand item*)

*same reason 3DS orders will need some prepayment
Btw Stu, make sure you select Air Economy Box shipping otherwise you'll be hit pretty hard by customs and the ridiculous handling charges from Parcelforce that you get by using EMS