Figure discussion/picture thread

HLJ has been working on its prices some over the last few weeks, too, but I never remember to check amiami so I will have to do so in the future!
Reaper gI said:
Chaz said:
Just got an order from them recently. I'd say they are dependable.

Just make sure you're either in to sign the package off or be prepared to go to the nearest Post office depo (or the likes). But I think that's with a lot of similar groups and items.
Figures don't fit through your letterbox. That's no diferent from any other parcel.
So you've never had a postman leave a parcel on the doorstep or in the garage? Aint we posh. :p
Chaz said:
So you've never had a postman leave a parcel on the doorstep or in the garage? Aint we posh. :p
You're supposed to get a note saying you weren't in, pick it up from _.
They have no idea how long you're not going to be in for, so shouldn't be leaving it somewhere insecure.

^ Just ordered that one.

It looks so sexy +dies+

Edit: My friend works as a courier. I go out delivering with her sometimes. Sometimes her customers specify a place to leave a parcel if they arent home (garage, porch, inside a wheelie bin thats empty etc....) but ive never seen that from a post man.
Cathe said:
(Finally remembered where this thread was. I knew I found it last night)

Do you guys know if is reliable or not? They have all the Basara revoltech's :x UP1 only has 2 of them and i'd like to add them to my collection.

Failing that, anyone recommend a good place for figures? I've only now got space for figures so i'm new to buying them.

Amiami is a great place to use, i use them normaly first before anyone else. If not them hobby search. If i have to use some one over here its normaly eyeonasia -they where kind enough to reserve me a kaito nendoroid as they don't have a pre-order system-

If your looking for the sengoku basara revoltechs -which are great btw- amiami has mori motonari and motochika chousokabe both in there sale section for 1.050yen each -about £8- even with postage it will prob be around or most likley less than just one from eyeonasia ... splay.html ... splay.html

AironicallyHuman said:

^ Why would people even buy the above? It's not like it comes complete with an artificial vagina / it's big enough to be 'used'. I don't get why grown men/women would collect toys...

Ive seen that figure when ive been looking for figures on ebay its awfull, don't get why anyone would want it either plus it is most probley a bootleg too.

Hmm im 27 and i love my figures -mainly only guys i don't really like figures of girls with bigs tits and no clothes-, i get people calling them toys but there also a collectors item with many increasing in vaule rather than decreasing. Each to there own i guess though.

As for what ive bought since i last posted -haven't posted in a while =3-

-oldest to newest- figures
codes geass Kururugi Suzaku figma -limited edition wonder fest 2008
black rock shooter figma
when they cry Maebara Keiichi prize figure
gundam 00 calander characters full set of 12 -pic of just 1-
Final Fantasy 13 Play Arts Kai Hope
Ga-Rei -Zero- Isayama Yomi Figma -managed to find one-
Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3 Minamoto No Kurou Yoshitsune -love his hair-
Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3 Musashibou Benkei -so pretty-
one piece chopper 3D puzzle
Kaito nendoroid -love his so much-
one coin Togainu no Chi gunji
Lupid 3rd Revoltech
BRS Dead Master Figma
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Chouzokei Damashii Simon Space look
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Chouzokei Damashii Kamina vr a
Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Chouzokei Damashii Kamina vr b
Kuroshitsuji Ciel nendoroid
black rock shooter nendoroid

hmm that doesn't seem much in 2 months i was sure it was more, i guess ive got a lot pre-ordered and on the way so it seemed more plus the plushies -love hakuouki ones- and keyrings/charms -cute persona ones-
she's a nice figures let hope that GSC don't **** up like they did the BRS Animated version

@ilmaestro have you recived yours yet? did you know about the fact that she has been made with the star missing from her jacket, there sending out stickers for customers to put on

@Stuart-says-yes aww indeed they are really cute luckley i got them in an amiami sale there now completley sold out now
Guh, I need to keep more up to date with news... didn't get mine yet as Hobby Search had trouble taking payment from my card (ironically, since it's one that was added after they had the "issues" with the card security), but I guess I'll have to look into that now. :-/

Thanks for the heads up!
Hmm...think its time to bring the thread back up to life :D

Anyway, had a recent delivery of this particular Kureha from Shining Wind figure (one of Tony Taka's character designs) ... _max_facto

Its an absolute beauty aswell and only set me back around £40 i think :D

Got another 4 ordered today aswell which are the following ... nal_ver_go ... _smile_com ... ile_compan ... ajima_suba

Got them all for good prices too

Deadmaster is only setting me back £36
BRS is gonna set me back £44
BRS Anime version for £36
Subaru for only £7 (Had about 1000yen worth in points to use)

So loads of absolute bargains :D
Nice stuff you ordered there cloudedminds im guessing you ordered them from HS. I saw they had been added to there Bargin section. I was tempted by BRS but the postage allowen is more than the acutally figure as it can only be sent EMS. I noticed the only one that could go SAL was deadmaster out of the 3

Since i posted last ive had a few things mainly charms and such =3 but figure wish i got today Natsume Takashi by ALTER he is gorgeous -ill post some pics at the weekend when i have time to take some-

Also got yesterday SEGA Vocaloid Len figure

Currently waiting for the one coin Hakuouki figures i can't wait to get them

I should stop buying so many lol im running out of room but i can't help myself lol ive got a few on pre-order to
You can actually tick a box on HS that allows SAL shipping if its possible which im hoping they are. I'd rather avoid the EMS option as there is a higher chance of getting hit by import charges and other fees
CloudedMinds said:
You can actually tick a box on HS that allows SAL shipping if its possible which im hoping they are. I'd rather avoid the EMS option as there is a higher chance of getting hit by import charges and other fees
It's almost a 100% hitrate from Japan anyway.
The other fees are higher for EMS, but it is much, much quicker.
SAL has a lower size and weight restriction, if it's too big it has to go EMS or by sea.
Prompted by Clouded, I "remembered" to preorder GSC's UBW Tohsaka Rin, and am currently looking back through figures that have gone up for preorder in the last couple of months to see what I can fit in to my budget. I picked up a few figures from the Parcelforce depot the other day, so I shall take some pics of them when I can.
CloudedMinds said:
You can actually tick a box on HS that allows SAL shipping if its possible which im hoping they are. I'd rather avoid the EMS option as there is a higher chance of getting hit by import charges and other fees

Ya ive seen that box i hope that you can avoid EMS as its so expesive, all thought if you did them as one order im not sure they will all fit in a box that doesn't go over the size restrictions for SAL ive heard the original BRS is a big box -keeping fingers crossed for you-

Last thing i pre-ordered was this morning which was the Bakemonogatari Araragi Koyomi figma for may, he can go along with Hitagi that comes out in april
Stuart-says-yes said:
Actually, (here me out here),doesn't spending so much money on plastic feel a waste?
Nope, and as a general answer to your question I would just wonder why people spend money on any type of art.

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