Pokémon Master
Haha yup it's weird because I love all my figures but I do kind of miss having just one cool figure on my shelf as a little personal thing but now it kind of feels like a bit of a clutter! Still, I think that has more to do with how you present them and display them. I think with the right space and set-up, you can still have a 'personal' and more intimate set up with your figures and collections, if that makes any sense? I've never been too keen on the fan favorite Detolf cases people buy for their figures. I guess I want to avoid that museum feeling and want my set-up to be more organic. I'm probably talking a load of nonsense so ignore me if I amEmulsion said:Always the way. I original was only going to get figures from games I have played or series that I have seen. That did not last very long.
That is possibly the best Yoko figure ever. Still got to fix the pegs on mine though.
In regards to the Yoko figure, it is a really nice one! Broken pegs are a common issue with bigger figures so don't worry about it
I actually own a few other figures like Ultimate Madoka but for some of them I don't have pics on hand. I'll make sure to post some as time goes on if you all don't mind