'Hardly' would be my initial take on the thread title, but there are some 'buts' to it.
Firstly, I got into Anime via the legit route - my brother mentioned the local video shop had some anime, and suggested Fist of the north star (not that legit - i was 15 at the time

) and it went from there.
The vast majority of the Anime I watch I have discovered through direct searches on the net (just to read about them) or in a few cases, have been told about by friends. All legit there.
However there are two types of Anime I where fansubs are something I go for.
1) The wierd stuff. I'm talking about the new stuff which probably will never be released outside japan because it is weird, or will not be released for a while. I was thinking this about Ouran high school host club at the time, (which is classic comedy) but surprisingly it is coming out, in america at least. In this case I will get the dvds if they ever come out over here.
However there are some I doubt will be released in the uk, such as Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru, or Hanbum No Tsuki ga Noboru Sora. In these cases I feel perfectly entitled to fansub them - If no one is ever going to release them, no one is losing any money! If they do happen to get released, I may well buy them.
2) The old stuff. So much old Anime has never been released in the UK, and the west generally. Among my fansub collection of old stuff stands Future Boy Conan. I have no idea why this was never released, but again, if it is not released, no one is losing money. Similary, the series Orguss, which I am desperately trying to find, has never properly been released. Again I think I am perfectly entitled to get it fansubbed.
Of course the question is 'If it DOES come out, will you buy it.' and if i say 'maybe' someone is bound to say 'well the people who released those which you didn't buy lose money' to which I will say 'Well if we could rent the damn things then we could checl if it is any good or not' - I am definately going to buy Ouran if it gets over here, but will not get Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru.
Closing remarks - I am not a massive fansubber, mostly rarities and obscurities - I mean I was waiting for 2 years to get Haibane Renmei, but waited intently for the english release (and was not disapointed) I waited even longer for all the Miyazaki stuff to get out here (Save conan as said, and lupin which i will hunt for at some point.) So I think from my persepctive it is perfectly fine.
(Rammbling post over)