European PS3 Details

McIcy said:
As long as it plays my EU PS2 games I will be happy, if it doesn't I will be pissed especially if it won't play my PS1 copy of FFVII, but then again i could just keep my PS2 for stuff like that as its still brand new

it will only play games made in the last year
Ryo Chan said:
McIcy said:
As long as it plays my EU PS2 games I will be happy, if it doesn't I will be pissed especially if it won't play my PS1 copy of FFVII, but then again i could just keep my PS2 for stuff like that as its still brand new

it will only play games made in the last year

In that case I will be keeping my PS2 aswell as buying the PS3
Ryo Chan said:
Everytime Sony announces something about the PS3 i laugh even more

this time it's that the European ps3's and very limited backwards compatable compaired to the US/Japanese

so forget me even going near it now. US PS2 here icome

A possible solution:

Download the latest US Firmware update.
When I found out about the limited ability for the European PS3 machines in regards to being able to run PS2 software, I got a bit more than a tad cross.

Its not so much about playing the PS2 back catalogue that's the issue, its the principal.

I'll leave it at that, I haven't gone on the forum today to rant.
The backwards compatability problem will be resolved through firmware updates, granted there will still be a few ps and ps2 that you wont get to play on the ps3.

Ryo Chan that song is cool, The Fray is my favourite band atm.
If your PS3 isn't hooked up to the net it won't play ANY PS2 or PS1 games. Period.

Even then, the compatability will be LESS than the USA nad Japan, I'm thinking around 60% and that's being highly optimistic.
Dani said:
If your PS3 isn't hooked up to the net it won't play ANY PS2 or PS1 games. Period.

Even then, the compatability will be LESS than the USA nad Japan, I'm thinking around 60% and that's being highly optimistic.

Thats gonna suck as I never network my consoles, my broadband is for my pc only, but like I said before I still have a brand new PS2 so I will just have to keep that for the older games and PS3 will be for only PS3 games
Dont know if anyone else has found this out, but the first 500,000 people in europe to register their PS3 gets a free Blu-Ray copy of 007:Casino Royal.
Xelis said:
Dont know if anyone else has found this out, but the first 500,000 people in europe to register their PS3 gets a free Blu-Ray copy of 007:Casino Royal.

Sounds good til you realise the DVD version is only £7 in ASDA at the moment
McIcy said:
Xelis said:
Dont know if anyone else has found this out, but the first 500,000 people in europe to register their PS3 gets a free Blu-Ray copy of 007:Casino Royal.

Sounds good til you realise the DVD version is only £7 in ASDA at the moment

£350 odd for a dvd or £7

tough choice

Then again, do Sony actually have 500,000 consoles to sell?
A million across europe. Plus's deal, £525 for PS3, Resistance:FoM, Motorstorm and Genji, plus HDMI cable and Blu-Ray Click and Blu-Ray Casino Royal if your lucky. I wouldnt say it was that bad, saving about £100.
Xelis said:
A million across europe. Plus's deal, £525 for PS3, Resistance:FoM, Motorstorm and Genji, plus HDMI cable and Blu-Ray Click and Blu-Ray Casino Royal if your lucky. I wouldnt say it was that bad, saving about £100.

Apparently Woolworths are doing the Best PS3 Offer as they are giving away 3 games with it for the lowest price (according to this months Gamesmaster magazine)
Ryo Chan said:
we'll i've said before and i'll say again, unless they enable the ability to play usa and japanese games i'm not interested

All PS3 games are non-regionable. So we can finally buy Final Fantasy when it comes out in the US or even Japan if you know your Japanese.

Dani said:
If your PS3 isn't hooked up to the net it won't play ANY PS2 or PS1 games. Period.

Where does it say this? It sounds like to me that the new PS3 consoles will come with a PS2 emulator, and that not all games will be backwards compatible. The network only comes into it if you want to download a firmware update with a better emulator.
Just found out that the PSP will be able to connet to the PS3 remotely so you can watch vids and see pics sent from the PS3 on your PSP...... but, the downside is that the pics/videos are only streamed and NOT copied so once you turn the PS3 off the vids/pics will disappear from the PSP