Didn't had time yesterday, so just watched two episodes and read through
all the posts 
. Will definitely try to keep up from now on.
Episode 3
Snail is taken down and Phos is nowhere to be found. Seeing them just stand underwater as if they were on land was quite an interesting sight. Although to be expected, it doesn't seem that they need to breathe.
While I liked the episode, I was a bit disappointed in it. The green fragments on the shell were quite apparent and I fully expected the small snail to not actually be Phos. With how long it continued on and how the snail was reacting to others mentioning Phos' name, I was starting to doubt whether perhaps the body and conscious of Phos got split. But when Cinnabar encountered Diamond I was again convinced it wasn't Phos at all.
Anyway, it was quite nice to have a bit more focus on Diamond. She really seems to project her own troubles on others. I also felt that when Cinnabar was talking about Phos in a negative way, she took it personally as well. Not on behalf of Phos, but because she views herself as useless and always "relying" on others. Granted in Diamond's case it's more that Bort forces Diamond to rely on her, but still.
Luckily this is resolved, and after a jaw dropping scene where Dia rushes home, we see that none other than Bort is waiting for her. Perhaps I'm reading a bit too much into it, but it really seemed that Bort didn't really know how to react. Bort clearly cares about Dia, and it felt like Bort was going to react with
"how could you be so reckless?!", but decided against it after seeing how happy Dia was by finding a solution to bring back Phos.
Small detail, it seemed that while most of the gems were "sleeping", they were all very quick to respond in the middle of the night. I assume that they don't actually sleep (or meditate

). But on other occasions they do seem to get tired, so not entirely sure how that works.
Episode 4
First thing I wrote down was that it's 100% confirmed that the master isn't a rock, since the snail couldn't "eat him". While I don't think anyone would believe he was, I do sort of wonder how the gems view him? The way he deliberately words it as "meditating" despite being "sleeping", seems to indicate he keeps something hidden from them.
The episode did tread a little bit in the subject of mortality, but ultimately doesn't do a lot with it. The common argument of "death gives meaning to live" was also outed by the snail.
I'm not sure what to think about the transformation of the snail into a more humanoid form and the whole origin story. It felt a bit clumsily done. Making a joke about it being her truer truest form, doesn't suddenly make it okay. Honestly, it would've been better if the snail was already a bit humanoid, perhaps more fetus shaped. In fact, I wouldn't even mind one of the three parts to not have a humanoid form at all. If anything, the Flesh part seems most likely to change shape over time. Anyway, the division into three parts, is probably also not the whole story.
I'm actually quite surprised I didn't really see that ending coming. Obviously something was going to happen when the main character goes to an "off limits" area, but I didn't really suspect the snail at all. That despite me thinking after episode 2 that there must be some reason why the Lunarians dropped it in the first place. In hindsight it's so obvious.
Anyway, this just makes the master a more and more mysterious figure. Something tells me he is somehow still human(?) or at least has all three components: Soul, Flesh and Bones. He probably also knew that the snail was in a way similar to the gems, hence him welcoming the snail. Still no explanation of how he could easily obliterate the Lunarians or his long lifespan.