Episode 2
There you guys go again, saying literally everything there is to say about the ep before I even get a chance to watch it lol
Am I the only dad around here?!
Seriously though, mess with cosmic snails at your own peril is my takeaway from this episode.
This series reminds me of Casshern Sins in the way it portrays violence against non-humans. I don't know if they go that far precisely because it's non-humans, or if it's just the way I see it, but both in Casshern and this, robots and stones suffer atrocities that I can't help but project onto myself and what it would do to a human. Wires resembling guts getting ripped off, arms falling off, legs getting cut.
Phos getting dissolved inside the snail made me shiver, it's really extreme just seeing her fade away and her eyeballs float around in space acid. I know we're led to believe it doesn't hurt them ( from Phos' reaction to being completely broken by the master in the first ep "eh?" to a few other moments) and it's even used for comedy, but it kinda makes me go "ouch". Then again, I don't like gore a whole lot.
Still, loving this. It's a very elegant show, even in regards to the fights. They are well animated, no-nonsense, elegant and fast. The music is simply stunning.
We're still in the intro phase, so I'm most interested to get to know all characters and how they'll relate to each other and what Phos can learn from them and their misadventures. Also, Master's nap being seemingly impossible to wake up from is definitely weird.
Take these rocks to space, please. I wanna see the moon.
The mvp in the thread is, of course,
@WMD for watching this with the Spanish dub and sticking with it
"cuidado Phos los budas están llegando, acércate de ahí!" it makes me snort just imagining it, I'll give it a try when we're don
Oh god, Dai is already talking about ep3 I die inside