Episode 5
Great episode. As already mentioned, we get to see a slightly softer side of the master. Was also really nice to see the gems in their rescue effort for Phos. While that might just be because the master ordered them, they did put in real effort, which does make up for the somewhat harsh words about Phos from episode 3. That being said, Cinnabar should've just told everyone that Phos washed ashore, having them continue searching and depleting the resin seems irresponsible. While it fits her character, that doesn't change that I was really annoyed by it. (It just made me hope that they might find Phos' legs to make the wasted effort worth it, but alas)
One thing I didn't really follow is what the Lunarians were thinking when striking a deal with Octowaifu? What I expected was that they struck a deal with her that if she brought one of the gems to them, they would free her brother. I think everyone in their right mind would realize that there is zero reason for the Lunarians to hold up their part of the deal. So them pressuring Octowaifu to bring them another gem, was to be expected. I also can see why they brought her brother with them, as that was likely one of the conditions under which she agreed.
However, why did they go with her wish of letting her brother regain consciousness? Did they not foresee what he could do? Especially considering she stated that Phos was likely the only one she could capture. What makes this all the more painful is that this likely means that there is no further reason to leave any captures of her kind alive. The only reason would've been to pressure them and/or strike deals, unless there's still more to it than we currently know. Quite a hefty price to pay for just freeing yourself and your brother. Not to mention that free, doesn't mean safe
Then on the Phos' upgrade. We learn that these microorganisms are called "Inclusions" and that they can even inhabit other rocks. Could this imply the possibility of two of them merging? Also, Phos just turned 300 and is the youngest of the bunch. This leaves me with so many questions. Did the others experience how Phos came to be? How does that even work (just washing ashore as a baby rock... I don't think so)? Would it be possible to change your rock type by slowly replacing body parts (Ship of Theseus)? Are the memories tied to the "Inclusions" or really tied to the fragments? Are certain memories fixed in certain parts or can they move throughout the body? Is there significance in which memory resides where?
Anyway, looking forward to how it continues

Really enjoying the show and reading everyone's thoughts about it.
Lunarians remain ruthless & unfeeling, as I already found them pretty ghastly given their choice to break up a sentient being and using their parts as weapons to hunt their compatriots. I think the soul being in lunarians is a red herring (octowaifu did imply she was just speculating I think) and therefore don't think it's a grim take on Humanity's soul just being darkness - the other two species have demonstrated far more soul so far, though I think we are yet to see things from the lunarians' aspect, but yeah they certainly do not carry humanity's most nurturing features.
My thoughts exactly, Octowaifu leaving some wiggle room in the explanation tells me there must be something more to the story. We see humanoid shapes and human behaviour from all three parties, so whatever the division is, it isn't as clear cut as described. I also like to think that the Lunarians have their reasons. Probably won't justify their actions, but might make them more understandable. In the same way that Octowaifu's betrayal is wrong, yet given the context allows Phos to forgive her.
Maybe it's the way they're portrayed in the English dub, but they all seem feminine to me. The dub noticeably avoids any gender pronouns, instead just referring to characters by their names or avoiding the need for pronouns through sentence structure.
The sub also doesn't seem to use gender pronouns a lot or at all(?), but they still seem feminine to me as well. The only one I could conceivable see as masculine would be Bort. Not exactly sure why, but I think there are several small points that tip the scale to the feminine side for me and due to their agnostic nature, practically no points that would counter that image. Things like their voice, hairdo and hips.
You know, I've lost count of the number of times I've been recommended that show now, so I need to start taking it seriously. I've added it to my list of MVM titles I want to buy, so thanks.

May I increase that number by one more? I totally recommend From the New World, it's a must watch. Great world building and some proper lore with corresponding symbolism, so probably right up your alley. And not unimportant, a great story from start to finish.