Great Teacher
That's niceIt's in stock on Right Stuf.

That's niceIt's in stock on Right Stuf.
Yeah, I got the same. Also, the snapping jaw/claw part couldn't help but remind me of the Eighth Angel from the film Evangelion 2.0, which has a somewhat plant-like appearance.this time it turns into something that resembles a Rorschach inkblot
It sounds to me as if he's saying awarenai. It's not an adjective that I'm familiar with, so I had to look it up. It doesn't appear to be that widely recognised, but I found this page...Sensei saying, "Poor thing" is interesting. Since it was singular, he seemed to be referring to the lunarian, but I believe Japanese doesn't always allow for singular/plural distinctions, so I don't know if that was an arbitrary translation choice.
It was Obsidian who was making the swords, yeah. It wasn't actually specified what they were made from, but it could well be obsidian also. My girlfriend gets the credit again for finding this on Wikipedia:Wasn't sure I picked up on this right from the Spanish: Was it Obsidian making the swords? Is that was they're made of?
Cool. It makes sense that they are then given theyre black and what we saw of them in the episode where Diamond tried out her new technique with the way they chipped.It was Obsidian who was making the swords, yeah. It wasn't actually specified what they were made from, but it could well be obsidian also. My girlfriend gets the credit again for finding this on Wikipedia:
Obsidian is hard, brittle, and amorphous; it therefore fractures with sharp edges. In the past, it was used to manufacture cutting and piercing tools, and it has been used experimentally as surgical scalpel blades.It has a hardness of five to six out of 10 on the Mohs scale
I'm watching the MVM blu-ray too, just the English dub. I'm not a bad enough dude to watch it in raw Spanish. Well, I have watched all 200 episodes of Sailor Moon in German, but that was because it was the only available option at the time.Incidentally, the subs on MVM's BD give Sensei's line as "How sad". Are you watching on Hidive, Dai?
Ah, of course. Gotcha.I'm watching the MVM blu-ray too, just the English dub.
Sailor Mond?I have watched all 200 episodes of Sailor Moon in German
You wouldn't believe what they did to the opening music. Get your glowsticks out; it's actually pretty bad-ass.Sailor Mond?![]()
The sub on Hidive translated it as "You poor thing..." which also led me to believe he was referring to the Lunarian(s?). Part of it was also due to the context and his action that immediately followed, so even if it was meant plural, I'd probably still think it refers to the sunspot.Sensei saying, "Poor thing" is interesting. Since it was singular, he seemed to be referring to the lunarian, but I believe Japanese doesn't always allow for singular/plural distinctions, so I don't know if that was an arbitrary translation choice.
What a coincidence! I've literally jotted down these exact same points while watching the episode, namely "no perfect memory?", "training to improve technique or build strength(?)" and "11.4% how do they know?".
- The gem people memories are stored in their bodies, but Yellow Diamond seems to have forgotten why they are even fighting.
- Can gem people gain muscle strength? Phos said they'd train with the sword, but even holding it up seemed to be a challenge. Can Phos improve at this without some form of body modification?
- How do the gem people forecast the arrival of the Lunarians much like the weather. % chance to appear? What is this based on?
Masters reaction to the mention of humans suggests to me he might be one of the oldest beings in this world. Old enough to remember them somehow or to know the origins of the new races at least. Perhapes he is aware of the multi-moon situation mentioned previously? I think it's kind of implied that maybe he had a hand in creating the gem people to a degree as well. Otherwise I wonder what his relationship to them is beyond the master/pupil dynamic?
Episode 6
We finally find out why Phos wants to fight despite her frailty: everyone loves Sensei. Could he be the first guy to have a harem lasting over 2,000 years?
Clearly the Master knows a lot more about this world then he's letting on. Smashing that table because he thought the secrets might be out! Is he a bit petulant or is he always holding back his strength and in emotional moments it just comes out?
And related to that, my ever-observant girlfriend spotted that when the big Lunarian that contained that part was sliced open by the Amethyst twins, the inside rather resembled a lotus seed pod with its hollow cavities:
She also felt that the colourful ribbons used by the Lunarians in episode 5 to tie Phos up resembled either Tibetan prayer flags...
... or perhaps even the Buddhist flag, having somewhat similar colours:
What a coincidence! I've literally jotted down these exact same points while watching the episode, namely "no perfect memory?", "training to improve technique or build strength(?)" and "11.4% how do they know?".
So while I don't have the answers, my guess is that Phos might be able to work on her technique instead of actually building strength. And for the forecast I recall from an earlier episode they mentioned something about once every three sunny days. Having the historical data of when and where they appear together with weather forecasts might be the answer. Though the exact percentage seem to imply quite a sophisticated way of calculating it, which I find unlikely given what we've seen thus far.
Episode 6 - Phos' reason for wanting to be on patrol is just so innocent, is that because of her personality or age?
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Yeah I was wondering the exact thing whilst watching him happily escape and questioning their incompetence, but, maybe it was their plan all along for him to be freed for a purpose yet to be revealed...However, why did they go with her wish of letting her brother regain consciousness? Did they not foresee what he could do?
Yes exactly, very interesting questions posed on what actually constitutes the self/memory/soul/consciousness in the gems and as an extension, in humans - is one's soul just mineralogy/biology or something as yet unknown & ethereal? Is it linked to or in fact personality (but the latter can change with brain damage which implies biology)?Did the others experience how Phos came to be? How does that even work (just washing ashore as a baby rock... I don't think so)? Would it be possible to change your rock type by slowly replacing body parts (Ship of Theseus)? Are the memories tied to the "Inclusions" or really tied to the fragments? Are certain memories fixed in certain parts or can they move throughout the body? Is there significance in which memory resides where?
I wondered about what the show was trying to imply about their nature & goals with that reference.While the lunarians have always appeared out of symmetrical formations, it's interesting that this time it turns into something that resembles a Rorschach inkblot.
Can we please have a summarised best of/greatest hits of the comedy zingers from Lordhippos, Dai & everyone else when this simulcast ends please? Hilarious stuff heheh.The Amethyst twins didn't seem like the most reliable sempais at first (they're not metal, but they sure are head-bangers)
I assumed as much when the same night of receiving the sword, Phos seemed to be able to easily lift it up to observe it whilst lying in bed!Can gem people gain muscle strength? Phos said they'd train with the sword, but even holding it up seemed to be a challenge. Can Phos improve at this without some form of body modification?
It does seem to be that Sensei is from ancient times and certainly aware of, if not having first hand witnessed, humans' past existence. But maybe his anger is directed directly at humans themselves, whom he hates? He therefore actually sympathises with all the new devolved species (like what he said before destroying the lunarians threat) and wants them to stay that way and in fact not rejoin into a true human form - thereby keeping the sea off limits for the gems, to avoid a discovery of the aquatic race (should any remnants have remained depending on what he knew of their fate; also what of the gem that octowaifu mentioned was in the sea? She implied being honest about that when admitting her ulterior motives to Phos); and perhaps keeping the lunarians at a distance by indoctrinating the gems into taking them as enemies and fighting them on sight (maybe yellow diamond's not being able to recall the reason for the fighting hints atCould it be that he might actually aim to rejoin the three parts whereas the Lunarians try to be the sole remaining party? The scene where he reacts to the word "humans" was nicely done, especially the table being completely split when Phos looked back.
Gorgeous concept art as always.Episode 6 - Phos' reason for wanting to be on patrol is just so innocent, is that because of her personality or age?
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