Count to a Million

15888 :lol: Let's see ah yeah how about the fact that despite the promise of more snow, there is now, and all that was left is now gone, there's even no ice left. However apparently if global warming continues then there's a chance that we can get more weather like that, so to this i take it to its logical conclusion. With enough things burning i can freeze the whole country :twisted: I'll turn england into the new Iceland, then i can finally have my winter wonderland...Well its either that or move to Canada but that's expensive :p

:lol: Seriously just a little annoyed that snow doesn't seem to last long up here

Well I didn't even see snow today. Last time it snowed heavy here was in 1994/96 (around then) when I got three days off school. That was awesome.

There's still time Black and there's always next year too... I want snow now. Everyone keeps talking about it T_T

Off for a long lunch now so will catch you lads laters.

Ciao for now.

more snow forcast to come towards friday...but right now its sticking here with its full fury.
i don't mind...i like the cold and the hot equally....i just don't like the wind.
if the wind was gone then i'd be fine.

they were sent home yesterday around im keeping hope.

i'd like to go friends have the day off...most places are closed....its like christmas day again...i don't see why the nhs should be one of the few that take alot to admit defeat.
i want a job in the I.T dept....the first hint of snow and they down tools lol

don't you mean greenland black? :p as iceland is pretty much the same climate as the UK.....greenland is snow covern hehe
15890 now i've thought about it i would rather go to Canada instead :p all those region 1 goodies at my finger tips. Plus from what i can gather the summers there are nice and mild. Besides what gets me is the fact we get some snow and the whole place stops working...I mean what the hell? Good grief there are places that get that much snow normally but they don't stop. I was watching ITV News and they interviewed a guy from Finland, who was just like "Yeah i don't see why they are acting like this over a little snow"
15,892 <actual number

And I have returned :p

Just went and booked myself in for some acupuncture on Wednesday. Oh how I look forward to have many needles stuck into me! o_O
15893 were not used to snow....its amazes the feeble minded lol
and scares everyone....something their not used to scares everything to a halt....personally i like it. panic...become worried....let everything stop....i'll revel in the chaotic snow like a child :p

i think any chance of me being sent home just died when the weather report came through that their not expecting any more "snow storms" for a few days....i hope i get friday off....for 2 reasons.....eaqually as cool.
1: i get sent home with full pay
2: i get another long weekend :)
and nobody can complain about long lunch's....their the best.

i wonder how much a giant snow machine would be to hire....
*searches the internet*

*looks at Voddas' post*
Hmm....your doing what i could never do.....laid on a table whilst someone uses you as a pin cushion!
i know its meant to release endorfins and the suchlike....generally relax you.....but come on...i prefer tension release through stretching and massages...not looking like a porcupine :eek:

plus....i'd get abit paranoid....and have a unpleasant urge to roll on my back....which would kill me....but you get those urges sometimes....not to kill yourself....but if somethings have an urge to do something about it.

like my toe...i have the urge to tap my foot....but i daren't incase i end up hurting myself. its hell i tell you! :eek:

You missed my post Tach T_T

I've been hit by a snow machine when skiing before. I went blind then all I saw was sky, floor, sky, tree, floor then white. It was a big crash however the key to crashing while skiing is to do it at speed, so I was fine. =P
15894 Personally i think its stupid that we're scared, if we listen to the ramblings of the enirovmental madmen, we're going to get more winters like it, so maybe you know instead of acting like Chicken Little we should look at those countries that get snow everyday sometimes and see how they deal with it, see how they are able to keep everything running fine. One of the few lines i liked in the first alien vs predator movie.
"Like a condom, i would rather have a gun and not use it, then need a gun and not have one" I think the logic applies here :p Bascially we need those equipment to deal with snowy conditions even though we may not use them. In times like this they will be worth their weight in gold.

...Sorry about that :p i just get carried away by the stupidity of it all

Hey Mono.
hope your alright there lil missy.

I hear you black...but look at it from a child and most adults eyes....snow + normality = chaos + freedom from the norm.

i welcome the fact that people have jobs to do....but come on....not everyone wants to work every weekday of the year...most people are bored in offices....sat behind double glazed their air conditioned *coughs* fake air *coughs* and staring at the one thing in the world they want....freedom.....but your trapped between it by four walls. a fake ceiling....plain carpeting....blinds....and a inch and a half worth of glass....


Caught by the ol'e end of the page trick....please someone look back at my last post...let it not be in vain!!!

Im fine cheers mono, just off to lunch :)