Count to a Million

15904 Was that suposed to sway me? :p Didn't work :lol: People deserve time off, that's why people get days off or weekends off (of course unless you like my friend who just works constantly because he just wants more and more cash) I will stand by my opinion, if we're going to get more snow, then we'll as a nation will look stupid if we let it drive us to a halt. Schools can be made more fun with the addition of snow. P.E classes? Now just authroised snow ball fights for those that want to go outside and fun classes for those that want to be inside (like Five a side)

...Blah, i'm bored of arguing now

How are you Mono?

Man I just had a really REALLY happy person on the phone and for some reason it drained me. Why is it that a happy person can make me feel down? Strange. Anyway I'm not counting minutes untill end of work... *looks at watch* OMG! *starts to cry*.
Which NEO? I never got that DVD. Reason I asked was because of reading it in NEO. Seems to have quite a following.

What's Sorceror Hunters like then Black? Never heard of it I don't think.
15914 I can only judge this based on the OVA's i've seen, was tempted by the R1 set like. But it follows in the footsteps of Slayers, being a fantasy based comedy show, but if you google some of the images, its a bit more...for lack of a better word naughty then Slayers. The OVAs were alright and funny in places, breaking the 4th wall a few times (not as much as Excel Saga like)
Both series sound like easy fun watching like. Will have to take a look see. At the moment I'm still watching Mushishi and also have Wolf Brigade to watch (something seriouse for a change).

NEO 55! I see... I only haven't got the new issue yet. Makes sense now :p
Nice Black! I agree with Mono. That is a great rough Manga page. I'm assuming your first try too. It looks like a potetntially profesional effort with the view points in the frames.

You gonna read left to right or right to left?
15920 It's right to left, its only a trial page, depending on how this turns out i do have a story in mind to tell, but i'm unsure whether to do it western style left to right or magna style right to left.

Thanks guys :) Hopefully i'll be getting the lettering done and colouring tonight. And yeah my first try with something on this scale

It's upto you how you write it Black. I, personaly, would write it left to right as you are English after all. Mite as well not try being somthing it's not (Japanese that is).

Don't rush it either mate. Looking good so far so keep takig your time. Looking forward to a finished product. that is, not a whole story, heh.