Count to a Million

15863 lol :p good to know we have an understanding Voddas :p Yeah i know, still half the time its like he wants to run this place, the other time its like his practising matrial for a stand up routine. Ah anyway i'm going to head off now, out with the g/f tonight.

Tomorrow though i can show of something i've been working on ;)

so c'ya later all :)

Edit: I saw that as well Chaos, i'm not sure if he's just doing it because you only posted what you were reading and nothing else, seems to be a pet hate of his when i don't see how its got anything to do with him.

Anyway, later :)

I think Aion dislikes the fact you didn't give your comments on what you thought of the manga chaos... Again, what anyone chooses to say or doesn't is a matter of personal choice no-one really has any business deciding for anyone else.

Ah well, "everybody wants to rule the world" as Tears for Fears once said. ;)

See ya Black. Everyone else too, I'll go get some tea now I think.
15,868 - mm, tea, I'll get some as well :)

I understood why he posted that. what I don't get is why he have to write a book about virtually everything.

I am indeed still in the ofice Chaos however I'm now leaving. Ignore Aion, he ain't your bos matey. Not that your bothered like. lol.

Catch you all laters *waves*

Belated Ciao to Ayase and Black

Real time Ciao to Chaos and Mono :p

Morning all....the drunken self Massacre-istic invalid has arrived.

one drunken night over the weekend...i can't remember when....but i was looking at my feet....and saw my little toe on my left foot. the nail hadn't been cut in afew weeks so i thought i'd rip the bit that isn't permanent off.....and accidentally ripped half the nail off.....right in my defence i was really drunk....and it was dark and about 4 in the morning....but i skidded in the snow this morning and now hobble round the office like an old man. im sharing this with you that you learn that when you've had a night out on the'll leave your feet alone!