Count to a Million

If I actually had to pick one specific group of people for battle royale it'd be my in-laws. They are all crazy. The entire family are good-for-nothing trouble makers, and nothing would give me greater pleasure than to stalk them all round a deserted island, picking them off one by one, each in a more imaginative and cruel way than the last.
:) ah happy days...
14301 what would i do? depended on who i had to fight against, if it was my old form i would just hide out and spare no one and if it came to it i would kill myself (along with others that i didn't want to surivie either) Though i often thought it would be funny for an anime battle royale (not an anime adaption just sticking a bunch of characters in to see who would win) but i think if Sho from Guyver was in it he would win hands down

Panda.....are you sure you don't want to come to one of my Mental Health units? nice soft beds....barred windows...purely to keep the crazy people from getting in...;)
14304 might want to fix your post number there Tach :p I still say that the celebs need teaching a lesson.

Oh and remember that machine that was supposed to destroy the world back in september? Turns out it broke down :p

Lmao thankfully mine and Laura's parents are similar and our mums have known each other for years (via work) and altho our dads haven't met their pretty similar. oh god help us when christmas rolls round and we all go out for a meal.

boxing day im gettin dragged down to essex to see laura's step neices, and i get the "uncle zacci" as they all pile on me when i sit down *sigh*
It broke down? Why doesn't that surprise me :roll:
I was sat all day waiting for the world to end, and *nothing*, not even the tiniest black hole (into which we could push kerry katona, cast of hollyoaks, my in-laws etc lol).
So are they going to fix it and try again?

Edit - Tachi, you don't know how lucky you are my friend, having normal possible-future-in-laws. Trying to fit into someone else's family is hard enough, without having to deal with them being total pikeys lol
14307 yep going to cost a bundle though, and a thought occured what if it wasn't an accident that the parts were damaged but say...Sabotage? Pushing people into a black hole...that's just cruel...for the black hole :p plus i still want to know if we created a black hold would it also create a white hole?
Hmm, who do you think would sabotage it then?

It is possible a white hole would be created but once even the tiniest speck of dust enters the part of space-time which includes the black hole, the part which includes the white hole disappears.

I love wikipedia :p
14309 given the amount of people that really believed it was going to destroy the planet there wouldn't be a short list of suspects, but i'm just being paranoid.

Aww i wanted a white hole like in Red Dwarf :lol: but science is a fickle thing
Well it's a good thing it'd just disappear anyway, who apart from lister would be brave/stupid enough to play pool with the planets to put everything right? :D
Anyone who isn't a fan needs educating in Red Dwarf 101.
I had the whole series on VHS. Now a charity does.
:roll: Damn Evolution of entertainment.
14316 Yeah Season 8 wasn't exactly a high point Season 7 had its moments like the first ep, something the send JFK conspiracy theorists insane.

I watched Season 4 with my g/f last week a quality series 8)