Count to a Million

:lol: Yeah and a cheese boaerd as a shield..... *ahem* yeah...
Just to make things clear too.... I hate reality TV programs usually but Sarah loves them. After a few episodes I did enjoy it myself mind. Just the idea behind it doesn't interest me. I just see them as poeple being starved to death rather than forgotten celebs scrambling for air time.
Morning everyone! (I think it's still morning...just about)

celeb battle royale? what a good idea! I can think of about 20 z-listers I'd be happy to sign up for that! :D
14284 afternoon Panda :) I'm almost through Higurashi now, just that i've been caught up in the momentum of Fate/ Stay Night's last 7 ep rush towards its finale

@Voddas i feel that reality shows have long since overstayed their welcome :p Actually speaking of Higurashi reminded me of something about you Voddas :p *cough*clanrad*cough*
Yep, I can think of a bunch of people (cast of hollyoaks, kerry katona for example) that I'd be more than happy to kill in very painful ways :D

Black - Get ready for series 2 of higurashi as soon as you've finished the first one - believe me you'll want to know what happens next!
14287 :lol:

If it were up to me i would go through the whole process of handing out weapons and the like then once i was off the island i would detonate the collars :twisted:

EDIT: Don't worry Panda i intend to fully find out what's going on though its a change to see Keiichi being the one with the crazy eyes for a change

Also when you say painful ways to kill that wouldn't start off with 15 nails hammered through the hand and finger joints would it?
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Good idea Black! Ready steady BOOM! lol

@Panda: I HATE HATE HATE Kerry Katona (with a passion). That's why I'd never shop in Iceland! Grrr.... *grumble grumble*

EDIT/ I also need to watch season 2 of Higurashi. Berserk kinda has my attention at the minute like.
14289 i edited my last post btw :p can't you just do what i'm doing at the moment and watched Higurashi s2 alongside berserk? like i'm watching Higurashi S1 along side Fate/ Stay Night

I would do but unlike you, sadly, I'm lucky to get an hour or two to watch anime. Even that has to be done after Sarah goes to bed. I just like watching one series at a time so I can get into the story as much as possible. If I could, I'd spend a hell of alot longer watching anime. Then I'd watch several episodes of each series.

I wish Sarah liked anime TT_TT
14291 actually i only watch for an hour a night as well as up until midnight i'm writting or coding plus i've found that when i say i'm going to do something like watch anime, its normally 30 mins later then when i originally said
Hmmm, 15 nails hammered into the fingers of each member of the hollyoaks cast, sounds like a great idea to me hehehe

Voddas - it's a shame you can't get your Sarah to start watching anime, there are so many different types of series, you just know that there'd be something that she'd love if she would give it a chance!

I don't think I'd be able to cope just trying to watch one series at a time, my attention span is too short. I've still got about 8 or 9 on the go at the moment!
14295 i've already been looking at other series to start once i'm through with these, i'll crack on with Patlabor, and i think i'll start The Third- Girl with the blue eye. Saw an ep on IGN a year ago and thought it looked pretty good.

Also that idea for hollyoaks is perfect, :wink:
14298 i'll get the detonators ready! I'm going to make sure that no on comes off the island...*lightblub flashes on* We'll set it on monster island :twisted: just won't tell them that's where it is. Also Tach you can have her for a week but only if she promises never to go anywhere near a soap like program ever again

lol yeah, i have a soft spot for her. each to their own is all i can say in my defence lol

battle royale....hmm haven't read that in a while..might get back to it :p
i like the idea of people being captured and made to kill each other. if they got me and and all the people in my tutor group from highschool i'd kill the annoying asian guy's and the loudmouth people. leave the chavs to kill eachother. use the 1 emo we had as bait and then after that me and the lads would brew our own beer and chill :thumb:

if you where put in that situation what would you lot do?