Count to a Million

14318 its hard for me to pinpoint a series since there are so many good eps, Series 1 had Future Echos, confidene and paranoia, Series 2 had, as you said Panda, Queeg, statis leak, Better then Life, the the Holly Hop episode. Series 3 had Backwards, Polymoprh ("i'll strap a nuclear missile to my head and nut the smegger to oblivion") The Last Day ("No silcon heaven? but where do all the calculators go?"). Series 4 had D.N.A Justice, Camille, Dimension Jump...I could go on like this :p

I can't name a particular series myself. I loved all of them near enough... besides some of the later ones which I'm sure you'll agree weren't to the old Red Dwarf standard.

We boring you Tachi? :p
That is quite difficult like. Been a while since I watched Pokemon so only the main names stick in my head plus a few favourites.

@Black :nods: VGcats is rather good like.
14330 hi Mono :) How are you today?

@Panda the guy who does VG Cats is an anime fan as well if you check through his comics in super effective 21 there's a nice Gurren Lagaan refrence

Yeah, i've set checkers to top difficulty on my ipod and still managed a 3-0 :/

And that link doesn't bypass the internet blocks panda :/
nah, works boring me sadly. i have a hour till laura sets off to see me at 5. and because someone's whacked up the aircon were all falling asleep.