Count to a Million

14341 no matter how many times i read through them i still end up laughing my head off especailly with the earlier Super Effective ones, just seen another death note one he did which was cruel and funny at the same time
Hehe that death note one's funny too...I was just going through the posts on the home page of vgcats, and found a link to another funny game, cooking mama kills, and I got kind of distracted by it :D
Bye Panda *waves*

Time for me to go too people. Catch you all on Monday!! Have a great weekend.

Ciao for now ^____^

YAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!! HOME TIIIMMEEEeeee...... . . . . . . .

*disapears into the horizon*
14358 Boo i do come on here this time of night as well you know :p (mostly because i'm waiting for some things to finish downloading plan on finishing Fate/ Stay Night this weekened)