Count to a Million



Yet i am abit bored and this place is too quiet.
have a good evening Panda?

i finished work at to the bus stop to stevenage at 4.40
and had just missed the bus by two minutes....the next one would be at five to so i thought i'd just wait in the bus shelter.....4.55 rolls around and no bus....5.05 rolls around and still no bus....5.15 and it finally appears, at this point im furious as the journey takes long enough without some idiot wasting my time. when i said to the driver "why are you so late? the next time your meant to get here is 5.20 so give it 5 minutes and you'll of missed a major stop completely [major because its town to town and this is the start. so to miss that would be stupid and people would obviously notice] so i said "don't think i'm paying full fair as your late" ended up paying £1.50 for a £3.50 trip. and they made sure they got to stevenage within 5 minutes of the time it was meant to.

Laura was frozen by the time i got there :/ so we went to the cinema, booked our tickets to see max payne at 7.30 and then crossed the road and went to Aroma...pigged out and talked about work, life, future and christmas. then went to see the i know it was a game, but i'd only watched my mate play 5 or so minutes of it. from the trailers it looked like a constantine sort of man against demons.....erm no. weird as hell and it took half the film to build up to the proper action, needless to say me and laura sat there like "what the hell?"
Hey, welcome back Voddas! Did you enjoy your time off?

Tachi - Did I have a good evening? Well kinda. I was on the phone to my crazy sister-in-law for an hour, trying to stop her from causing problems for the family, which she seems to do every Christmas.
I wanted to see Max Payne, but I don't think I'll bother now if it's weird!

Oooh, sombody's here!! ^__^

Hi Panda. It's good to back. Been decorating my house like a mad man. Workd harder last week than I would have done being at work.

Also... BIG NEWS!! I pruposed to my Girlfriend at the weekend!!
She said yes too! XD

I have returned from a lunch, and my tumy is full.... back to work I guess. :roll:

Hello again Panda. ^__^ Me and my fiancee were in Bowness in the Lake District for our annervesary over the weekend. I planned to do prupose with a view of the lakes behind us but alas, the fog was so thick. we could barely see 100 meters. Not to be detoured I pruosed in the Hotel Gardens infront of some Xmas lights instead. Of course, I got down on one knee too and presented the ring. It was awesome. She cryed (in a good way).

EDIT/ Cheers peops ^_^