Count to a Million


*pops out of pile of work amassing his desk*

*waving arms in the air*

congratrulations....comiserations.....*starts attaching ball and chain to voddas' ankle*

Just for goot luck eh ;)

nah seriously i'm chuffed for you mate :thumb: congratulations. how long have you two been together?

*looks at his ankle*
I guess that's my something borrowed then mate. ;)

Last weekend was our two year annaversary. We 've been to gether a year longer but we had some time apart so we don't count that time.

@Fox: Damn Fox, if you'd said something earlier, things would have been different! ;)

EDIT? I just noticed... the post ranking changed?!?! o_O
Afternoon Black and Cheers :)

We didn't get any snow. Just rain as usual. :roll: Rarely get snow with being a coastal town. Too much salt in the air.
14227 Well the snow is melting now, but it was nice, needless to say i was in an incredibly good mood this morning, even if town disappointed me.

Oh and to follow up yesterdays drawings here's the colour versions :)

lol i have glorious sunshine.....and winter there's my pro's and cons lol

just found out that our road is slowly losing power......everyone at the bottom of the road have slowly been having power failures...and its creeping up the road.....our lift isn't working and the security door is disabled (incase of a fire i suspect) but that leaves a safety hazard....with a walk in centre downstairs and "NHS" in big bold letters on our security door and our office and which floor were on i'm slightly concerned.

if push comes to shove....i'll shove everyone out the window whilst i run down the safety stairs outside :thumb:

just means i'll be down the pub before the rest of the lads lmao
Tachi- said:
the security door is disabled

Eek there is no way in hell I'd stay in our building with the security door disabled. I'd be off home straight away!

Edit - Hey I have a new rank! Although I preferred Jigglypuff I think...