Count to a Million



Christmas soon, whats on everyones list, or have we covered this already? haha

How have you all been. Sorry I hav'nt been on much, my work has locked down on the internet :(
I'll eat my hat if that's genuine. Region free, selectable Chinese subs, intermittent English dubs, tiny disc count, costs about the same as a single movie in R2, called a complete movie set when it is far, far from complete...there are so many red flags I can hardly see anything else for them.

Everything else in their eBay shop is also fake from what I saw.

Edit: Finally found Joe's FAQ's new location - this is useful as a guide.

Morning everyone :)

We're being networked up with the main trust building in Doncaster soon and all our internet usage will be monitored then :( so I'm making the most of it while I can :D

Yup, the NHS has had a clamp down on internet usage throughout the country :/

awwell i guess i can notch 3 hours a day without arising suspision.
there's a list of top internet users in the trust, every IT department has a first month working in IT and i was number manager was 1 so couldn't complain at me lol
Tachi- said:
there's a list of top internet users in the trust

:D I could imagine me being somewhere near the top if we had a list like that, what with being on here and facebook all day.

Hiya Blackwolf, how's you today? Did you get your drawings finished yesterday? Will we get to see them? :)
14172 Yep they are finished but only in pencil form at the moment i spent last night writting instead of inking them but i hope to get that and the colouring done this afternoon-evening time.

Lol your lucky Panda, they clamped down on social networks like bebo and facebook along time ago for us.
and games websites are all filtered and blocked.....but when there's a will....there's a way...hence i found a website that i can play games...the following game i find fun and actually own a real board (circular styed) at home. my score is 1100, can you all have a go: