Count to a Million

14142 Tach that's only because you take it to a whole new level :wink: besides i thought you wouldn't need to resort to that having a new g/f and all :p :lol: j/k the snow from earlier is still keeping my spirits up despite it having now all gone again.
I love the fact that it keeps snowing. This is the first time in years that I'm looking forward to Christmas (I'm normally totally bah humbug about the whole thing) and the snow is really helping the Christmas-y feeling!
I think the reason I'm looking forward to Christmas so much is cos it'll be my little niece's first one, so a white Christmas would be so nice for her!

Afternoon Otaku-san :)

LOL nah i don't mean it in that way Panda :p
i think i'm fighting this throat infection off. its not fun though. 3 days to cure it. and i only got it yesterday so should be fine on thursday :thumb: