Count to a Million


Evening anyone who happens to look in here... Just letting the regulars know I'm not likely to be around much this week during the day.

Keep the counting alive Black, Mono, Panda! :thumb:
Yeah I'm okay thanks. I'm really not in the mood to do any work today, so I'm secretly reading OK magazine under my desk. Thankfully I have a training to go to this afternoon, so I've only got to keep myself occupied until 12 :)
How are you?
14129 I'm fine thanks, in truth i'm shattered as i only got about 3 hours sleep but i looked out of my window and saw snow :D so i'm in a really good mood :) Also i saw two more eps of Higurashi last night poor Satoko, plus Keiichi seems to be learning about Satoshi earlier each chapter
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Snow always puts me in a good mood too (unless I have to drive somewhere, cos it's scary driving when it's snowed!) :)
It made me feel all Christmas-y seeing the snow this morning, but it's all melted again now and the sun is out, so it's been a bit of a strange day really!
Blackwolf - It's very sad about Satoko. I thought this was a very interesting chapter. It was the point at which I started to feel like some of the pieces were coming together, and I started to get more of an idea of what was going on (or I thought I did anyway!)
Tachi - Morning! Sorry to hear you're not well again :( How's things at work?
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14132 Morning Tach :)

@Panda- i still have no idea what's going on really, but that blond haired lady must have something to do it with it since the comments she's made plus the fact she remembers Keiichi when he has no idea who she is Still a good show so far though i'm still failing to see why people have compared it to Elfen Lied in the past...
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I think the reason I compared the two was firstly because of the horror/violence aspect and secondly because of the mysteries surrounding the characters/situation. I also felt they were both quite similar in tone and atmosphere, although that may just be me.

I'm off for Resuscitation training now *yawn*, see you later :)
14134 oh i wasn't aiming that comment at you there though Panda, apologies if it sounded like that. More of the nameless people of the internet. To me they may be both dark and have Cute characters that can go psycho but it seems that Higurashi has more to do with the mystery element then Elfen Lied did, i mean characters with dark pasts aren't new to anime are they :p :lol: Well hope your training goes well :) c'ya later Panda :thumb:
14137 i'm still here :p just been working, about to get some drawing done though...realised that i just built a program that with one simple line of code missing, forces the computer to restart...not good