Count to a Million

14104 Morning Panda :) I'm good, though unfortunatly i didn't get as much anime watched this weekend as i would of liked so i'm over halfway through Fate/Stay Night and i've finished the second chapter of Higurashi poor Keiichi just can't catch a break can he
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Morning Otaku-san :D, are you well today?

Blackwolf - yeah, poor Keiichi, things don't get much better for him either!.
I've finished the second series this weekend, and was very pleased with how the story concluded. It was a proper ending and I feel satisfied that all the loose ends were tied up and everything was explained well :). As Ayase has already said, it ended at the right time and any more would have been too much, but overall I would say it's one of the best series I've ever seen :)
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14107 cool :) well good to know that at least it has a full ending. As for Keiichi so far he's had to kill two of his friends, tear his own throat out, been bashed on the head with a huge rock, stabbed in the gut, and then been tortured and presumbely killed a second time and you say it gets worse :p

Morning Otkau-San
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Morning all.

Stayed up till 4am playing Tomb Raider: Underworld and have already got through 3 levels.
Stomach is grumbling and needs lunch!!!

14116 oh we only have the three today and they're doing okay, apart from the littlest one keeps barking at nightime so one of us has to stop down stairs and to ssh her when she starts up