Count to a Million

8249 well you see one day i was on the internet doing my normal stuff then a storm broke outside...i took no notice but then the storm came over heard and there was a brillant flash of light and then i was no longer connected to the internet, i checked and found the computer had changed the connection port all on its own so i had to set it back to its proper settings, then that night i tried to use the internet on the pc in my bed room and found that i no longer had access and the router had stopped working bascially i think it had been fried, mind you i found out recently that the same thing happened to other people as well, all with linksys routers

Ohhh the Modem Hunter Storm haha. I hate those. Yeah it probably fried ya modem. I guess Tachi would be the best person to ask as to what maybe happened (not that he is a storm chaser but he may know how the lighning affected it)
Spyro201 said:
Tachi- said:
sorted that crap out...urgh need sleep and spyro. you okay?

Yeah mon. Wanna link on MGO again soon or something?



*returns from the randomness of cat cartoon link black sent 3 pages ago*

Yeah sure thing...just lemme get home and sorted and i'll be on. gimme a text when your ready to op up.

Might have a 1 on 1 with you and see what the outcome is lol

@fox: gunna get home and chill for a while. maybe paint another model....listen to music and then try to sort out the finals...
entrants.....semi finals where lastnight and tonights the decider....which girl will Tachi choose??

the tensions out of his mind!!!

Tachi- said:
Spyro201 said:
Tachi- said:
sorted that crap out...urgh need sleep and spyro. you okay?

Yeah mon. Wanna link on MGO again soon or something?



*returns from the randomness of cat cartoon link black sent 3 pages ago*

Yeah sure thing...just lemme get home and sorted and i'll be on. gimme a text when your ready to op up.

Might have a 1 on 1 with you and see what the outcome is lol

@fox: gunna get home and chill for a while. maybe paint another model....listen to music and then try to sort out the finals...
entrants.....semi finals where lastnight and tonights the decider....which girl will Tachi choose??

the tensions out of his mind!!!



I cant promise mind. And mhm to the 1v1 :lol:

I may not be able to come on tonight.

Hey Ayase, good to see ya make a swift appearance, like a paedaphile in a playground.......Hahah sorry I make myself laugh eek!

Im off guys, have a good evening and speak to you all 2morro . later

Lol indeed i did black,

Hey ayase.

Bye fox


and yes where would i be without my key advisor?? :p

Okay spyro will have to organise that at somepoint :thumb:

Bye everyone. see most of you on msn later.
if not, then have great evenings :)

I've appeared, caused controversy and now will dissappear again. If I didn't have 600-odd posts I might be suspected of being a troll. :lol:

See you later guys.