Count to a Million


Shush black *clicks the close button on easyjet flights leaving to magaluf*

*Starts the sacred false victory dance that lasts 20 hours*

cool :p

well, weird thing is....ambers out of town till sunday so all i have from her is a bite mark in my hand lol want to see?

Haha I have contacts in all countries, and with that bite mark on your hand Tach it should'nt be hard for my hitmen to track you down. Did I mention my Hitmen are girls in short skirts and blue hair haha "ohh chase me, PLEASE CHASE ME!!!"

Yeah go on then Tach, lets see
8289 yeah but you haven't seen what Tachi's personal bodyguad are like :p they aren't called the 12 dolls for nothing :wink: (12 dolls is a registered story element of coyote ragtime show :p...if you haven't seen it they are 12 girls named after the months of the year and all are deadly assasins)

:lol: yeah im not sure why but she only nipped me... she was biting with her mouth completely open on my shoulder/neck last thursday night lol

Im bidding on Kiddy Grade Vol.1 + art box and also .Hack Vol.1 at the moment. I really hope I win them as ive heard very good things about them?
8297 which .hack? I've seen all of .hack//Sign and i've got vol 1 of .hack//Roots...actually i'm listening to hack/roots opening now

@Tach just to let you know the doctors put me on antibotics for a week
8300 Just the neck problem i was on about before, an infected cist as they put i'm unable to drink again till next week

.Hack//Sign is good, it takes a while to get used to since its not action orientated as such, Kiddy Grade i haven't seen so i can't help you there :p

@fox. well at the mo she's dyed her hair dark red. and is 5 ft 5 roughly.. wears skinny jeans all the time. and rock t shirts lol
has a bubbily, happy go lucky personality which when annoyed even slightly switches to another mood depending on whos annoyed her.

If i annoy her she sulks
If a chav annoys her she'll shout verbal abuse and challenge them to a fight (i stand there laughing when she really goes off on one) it one of those angry yet funny moments :p

@black: thats good and abit poor to be honest mate. i'd of said get me referred to the hospital in the ENT department and have it removed.

anti biotics aren't going to fix the problem, their just idiotic GP's going for the "quick fix"
8303 @Tach apparently they don't like to operate on them when they are infected because of the problems it may occur (and because of its position relative to my spinal cord i may think) but they said if it doesn't get any better, come back and then they'll sort it

Ahh i've seen you fox.....on that cat comic link black posted yesterday....yup your a DR. :p

Apart from aimee she is the best looking of the 5 :p
But aimee's now my adopted sister aparently lol
add her to the rest of my *adopted* family *sighs*