Count to a Million



Sorry couldn't resist :lol:

Mornin Everyone... Im in a excellent mood. thanks to amber lastnight and aimee who just topped my evening off as a great night :D

and the best thing.....IM NOT TIRED or troubled by which girl anymore ^^
the finals where lastnight and the winner was......the peoples favourite......AMBER :p altho round hers lastnight poked her and she jokingly bit me.....ITS STILL THERE *sigh* :lol:
random. but then again you have been warned of a happy tachi so expect anything....

Fox must be abit late

Hope ayase and chaz and mononoke aren't going to wait ages to talk :p

Morning Team, sorry im late, had to pack my bag as im in kent for the weekend.

Tachi, thats excellent news. Well done on choosing your girl lol :p

Well I got the internet last night and im recieving signal. The only trouble is I tried to set up my ISP and my laptop has decided not to read any discs :( So I could'nt "register" my modem so could'nt go on the net OR play XBox Live :(

Also watched some Ikki Tousen last night and then had my girlfriend moaning at me as she wanted boobs like them and started accusing me of liking their boobs more than hers haha, good times

Morning mate :p Kent eh? sounds like fun...doin anything special?

and thanks for the congrats :p

did your Pc say why it wouldn't read the disk??
thats odd :S

:lol: simple thing to do when a girlfriend complains that her boobs aren't as big as the ones in Ikki Tousen....give her alot of chest stimulation with your hands....proven fact that stimulation causes them to increase in size.


Yeah dont worry I gave her loads of attention heehee

Nah it does'nt say anything when I put a disc in. you can hear it inside trying to read it but then just...nothing, nada, zilcho

:p nice going Foxy :lol:

Well....did you go into "My Computer" and it had atleast registered the disk?

Gunna put up some pics of my crappy painting lol

Yup, it had'nt registered it at all. If i double clicked the CD-rom icon just said insert dick

yeah show us your paintings, I brought my camera in to show mine aslo but I brought the wrong USB cable *facepalms*
Foxstripe said:

Yup, it had'nt registered it at all. If i double clicked the CD-rom icon just said insert dick

*Rolls on the floor laughing his ass off*

have something on the brain do we?? haha

reminds me of my typo afew pages back "i used to own afew space marine dropshits" lol


anyway, the pics are in a special thread in the creative section.

Im still in a great mood ^^

Was just reading a fanfic in the creating section....turns out the member who posted it actually stole it from another memeber :lol:

Ohhhhh I love these situations. is there an argument happening? lol

I dont wanna go Kent tonight :( but its my GF mums bday. How can I possibly get out of it lol. Plus my Ikki Tousen Vol 3+4 are arriving today and I wanna watch them :(

Sorry mate but i dont have any escape ideas.......but you can redirect the mail to my house and i'll be more than happy to look after the dvd's over the weekend :p