Count to a Million

Foxstripe said:

Is Tenjho Tenge actually good then Chaz? I have never seen it, apart from the intro lol
8169 - For when you get back Foxy - I found the anime was very good in terms of action, animation etc. I just got annoyed at the fact most of the series is remenising on a past some of the characters had. It seriously took 1/2 the series to explain it in 2 different parts, and I wanted to see what the present was going to be like.
Although now I've said that, the actual story they talked about in the past was interesting, and filled in a lot of the present problems.

As for Anime to manga, not read the manga, and I've yet to see the last 2 episodes of the anime. I'll get that done tomorrow though.

In all: I'd give it a high 7/10 or a low 8/10.
8170 - tenjho tenge is brilliant if you ignore the fan service. Volume 7 is a masterpiece and in the first volume you have one of the most amazing anime fights ever!

Morning Team

How was everyones evening :) I should get broadband tonight :)

@Chaos I love fanservice so that wont bother me haha, my girlfriend perhaps, but me? naah

@Chaz well a high 7/10 is a good anime in my book, if you wanna ya know.....*cough* get rid of ya spare vol.1 of Tenjho Tenge then erm *cough* yeah ;)

Morning. want to go back to bed and start tomorrow.
lastnight was shite, gig was canceled. no reason given.
So we went bowling instead..

get in and my mum played hell at the fact i'd walked with the lads 2.8miles from town to home at night instead of getting a taxi.
i've had this convo with her about a thousand times and each time im forced to repeat "(i use spearhead which are the cheapest in luton, and are based about 10mins walk away from my house) I'm not paying a taxi driver £4.50 to take 10mins to drive into town and pick us up to drive back the way he came and drop us off home when it takes us 25mins to walk it and keep our money and nothing happens to us"

Just sick and tired of her doing the whole parental thing. if i wanted someone to sit and bitch about things i do then i'd go get married ffs.

urgh awwell. she's defo the first one (out of both parents) to be put in a home when shes abit older.

Rage over.

Hows everyone else?
(also want to apologise for that....still ache and still knackered)

Thats what parents do im afraid tach, they worry. My mum was the same. Im a proper mummy's boy now but I was like you at one point haha

Im stressing out, Tiscali and idiots! FACT! Ive been connected to internet and phone since 22nd July and my phone line is STILL dead!! so ********!

*plays slipknot - duality, to calm him*

That sucks :/
when your connected it'd mean the fun doesn't stop at 5 lol

Just going to see to something for back in about 10 mins..

Just found out im actually connected now so whoop. My msn will be on my 360 though so I may be slow at responding. Plus I need a new laptop.

Tachi, in theory, when I get home, I should be able to plug my modem in, then plug the ethernet cable from my 360 to my modem and play online right away right?

Your 360 will need configuring with your internet connection, but BINGO your right it really is that simple really.

hmm do you want a high spec laptop or a general use one? and how much are you willing to pay for one??

How will it configure with my connection? will it do that automatically?

I want a decent laptop that I can play games on like Dawn of War, thats the only PC game I play, so I wont need an uber powerful one.

How come Tach? what have you up your sleeve?
8183 Don't worry about it Tach i figured something like that had happened:p

@Fox at the moment i don't have xbox live :p since i don't have a router and all (i can't unplug the internet wire from the PC since its not long enough)

Oh yeah of course :( sorry Black

Later Tach, good luck.

Black is Gundam Dynasty XBox Live compatible??

I was looking at some Manga Entertainment releases that are coming soon, they're seems to be some really good series'

Black Blood Brothers - ... =59&page=1

Ghost Hunt - ... =59&page=1

Hellsing - ... =59&page=2

Jyu Oh Sei - ... =59&page=2

Peacemaker Complete Collection - ... =59&page=3
8186 c'ya in a bit tach :) good luck sorting things out

@Fox it doesn't have online support i'm afraid, strictly offline only

The only one i really know or heard of from that lot was Hellsing Ultimate its something i may try out but i need to finish some series off before i get new things (exluding buso renkin as it would only take two dvds to get the whole series)