Count to a Million


And this is what i get for my bloody work restrictions :(

Sorry, if i could of seen it and read it and known that i wouldn't of sent the link. brb shall continue the search....

Are Region 1 DVD's in English Dub? Is there no difference in buying a region 1 dvd to a region 2 dvd? As I may buy a region 1 player but not if most region 1 dvd's are in japanese, as im not a fan of subtitles personally eek
8123 most region 1s are english seeing as that's america's dvd format (why we can't have the same as them i have no clue) meaning there is a lot more anime on region 1 DVDs then on our region 2s (like Fate/ Stay Night or Big O, or Outlaw Star)

wow, well I may start buying region 1 dvd's then. is there any difference in quality? Can my Xbox 360 play any region or is it only region 2 I assume?

most R1 dvds (US & Canada) have english dubs. You'll probably find that you don't even need an R1 player though, just google your player model and "region unlock" :wink:

R1s are cheaper, but the picture format is the slightly inferior NTSC (looks a little worse on PAL TVs) - if you don't mind that you can save quite a bit of money.

Compare and Contrast.

Xboxes can't to my knowledge be unlocked.
Foxstripe said:
wow how the hell, why are they so much cheaper!!!
Well is the case of that Gundam box, the UK one has a lot more goodies, but if it's actual on-disc anime content you're after they're the same. It kinda breaks my rule in that respect:

Japanese Releases - High Quality, High Prices
American Releases- Lower Quality, Lower Prices
British Releases- Lower Quality, Higher Prices


@Tachi - I bought my laptop in summer 2005.

I dont see why they dont just create a multiregional worldwide disc so we all get them at the same time, then everyones happy, same prices, same quality. Easy haha

:lol: in technology time thats like a whole different era of machine :lol:

I know its possible to do so with towers but not sure with laptops and notebooks. but using another motherboard that isn't the same type.


Regions are different so unless things change the multiregional disks would have to support both NTSC and PAL to run
8129 I only buy R1s that i can't get in this country for the record :p my Gundam Wing collection was an exception but Andy from beez has said there's a new one coming out based on the HD masters that japan got last the same style boxset as the new Wolf's Rain collection
Tachi- said:
:lol: in technology time thats like a whole different era of machine :lol:
Don't I know it, and apparently Vaios are known for being unreliable. Looking around now I'd probably go for a Thinkpad.

@Blackwolf - you take the fairness thing a little further than I do then! I would love to support the UK industry more, but with price discrepencies like that... If there was £5-£10 difference I would buy the UK one - once it gets beyond that there's no way I can justify it.
Tachi- said:
Regions are different so unless things change the multiregional disks would have to support both NTSC and PAL to run
There was one hope though - HD-DVD. No regions, one format for the world. Shot down and killed by the money grabbing studios like 20th Century Fox in favour of Blu-Ray which supports region coding.

The only reason for region coding to exist in on Blu-Ray is market protectionism. Capitalism, pro free-trade? Don't make me laugh...

I know, I saw that Elfen Lied £50 haha not on your nelly lol

I picked up my copy in HMV Oxford Street for £24. That was'nt even a sale. I think HMV realised its a popular anime so they whacked the price up, lucky I bought it before they realised