Count to a Million

Foxstripe said:

I just read a review on the PS3 Gundam game, target or something

apparently its god awful.......i'll stick to the dynasty warriors style. I'll pick up a copy in game I think today.
8081 - Yeah... it is pretty bad, as it's slow, targeting's a biatch and the only good thing is that the graffics look pretty good (Not awesome though).
Chaz said:
Foxstripe said:

I just read a review on the PS3 Gundam game, target or something

apparently its god awful.......i'll stick to the dynasty warriors style. I'll pick up a copy in game I think today.

8081 - Yeah... it is pretty bad, as it's slow, targeting's a biatch and the only good thing is that the graffics look pretty good (Not awesome though).


Okay might of gone OTT on the Awsome lol, guess i just love my ps3 too much so everything has to be awsome lol
8083 while i'll let Tach do MAR i'll handle Buso Renkin, now this is based on the manga (i own the complete set 10 vols in all) and the fact i love the opening Makka na Chikai :p Buso Renkin is about a guy named Kazuki Muto who, one night, attempts to save a girl being attacked by a monster, however he is killed instead but the girl, Tokiko, didn't need saving as she was an alchemist warrior armed with a Buso Renkin (a small hexagonal shapped object that when activated turns into a weapon which is different depending on the user) feeling responible for Kazkui's death she puts a spare buso renkin she got from an earlier mission into him as a replacement for his heart and heals him. However the monster that attacked them was a Homculus and is still out there...

Yeah that's bascially the first part of the first ep/ first chapter, it goes on that that the alchemists are fighting against homcunli that are created (there is different types of homcunli, weaker plant and animal based ones to the stronger humanoid homcunli) and as the story goes on Kazuki gets drawn into the fight to protect his friends and uses his own buso renkin
8084 - I know I've just recently joined the convo, but I'm gonna go play Heavenly Sword for an hr or so. Be back soon though! (Gosh I love it!!!)

I may buy Buso Renkin Vol 1 for £19.99 today. dya think its worth it Black? It sounds very good

Heavenly sword. is that the chick with the red hair...looks good :p

Will the anime be the same as the manga in all respects? is it in the vein of FMA or has it got the silliness and childish Naruto sense about it
8089 You did it again fox :lol: From what i can tell its the same story as the manga, there is some comedy in the series particularly with Kazuki and his friends and the outlandish behaviour of one of the villains but its still good, i recommend it as a manga (i'm hoping to get that dvd as well since its the first half of the series)

Haha sorry eek!

So the anime DVD thats out in Vol's 1-5 of the manga? Hmmm well its either buy:-

Buso Renkin
Origins: Spirits of the Past
Gundam Dynasty Warriors

8092 @Fox pretty much once you get past some of the weirder characters its good :) also Buso Renkin was created by the man who did Runroni Kenshin (Samurai X)

@Tach c'ya in a bit dude

Ok see later Tachi. Hurry back.

on that note, im off to the shops, it'll be a big surpise of what im gonna return with. Place your bets now ;)

Later dudes

my bet....he comes back with a glass dildo


didnt get the fire warriors...the delivery was postponed a day so picking them up tomorro :)

also challenged the guy to meet the online offer (devilfish + fire warrior box for £30)

@spyro: how come?

:lol: well as im the only one to throw a random bet on what fox is buying means if i win or lose. its the taking part thats funny.

could still go to sleep...just checking with sam about the gig and if he's up for it...