Count to a Million


Hmm now it makes sense. sorry black, didn't see that post.
and yeah i know, bloody msn played up so much lastnight :evil:

might pick up enchanted arms....

I dunno whats wrong....its like after what was said to me lastnight i cba with things now.
in two minds if i should bother with the tau.
if i should bother with collecting MAR anymore.
if buying anything right now is worth it.
8064 :( It's bad when you get into that state of mind, i replied to your other post in the wargaming thread but i'm not sure if that's relelvant now with what you just put

@Fox, *sigh* its just something someone said what made me question my wallet....usually spending money on things like clothes and music is second nature. and i've tried to get back into warhammer because i loved the painting and look or a mini army.
but to be slated over the fact that i never actually sat and played like all the others sorta hit home as a "why don't know anything"
In truth i've played twice in the store and was taught the basics.
afew times at school when there was about 20 people who where into it like an addiction. and twice round my mates house...hardly alot compared to other people.

as for MAR im really enjoying it....but don't know if i can carry on buying the manga at 6.99 a pop.

What idiots said to you why bother because you dont know anything? MORONS!! everyone starts somewhere. I did'nt know anything when I first started and I bet now I could challenge anyoneone out there, gaming or painting.

With GW it is a VERY expensive hobby. What you have to do is literally but a box, paint that boxup. dont overwhelm youraself with loads of models because you qwill be skint and you wont wanna paint them as there's just too many models to keep up with.

There's no harm in buying a few models here and there. As for MAR manga. I think you can get it for £5.99 on UK Anime Online.

But I guess it depends on your wages aswell etc. You can do everything as long as you manage your money.

And dont listen to idiots....or do drugs :p
8067 oh its that comment :x Don't listen to him obviously he hasn't learnt that there are collectors and players and those in between who can choose. You don't have to play to enjoy this hobby, you can spend more time on your models if you don't (not in a rush to get them ready etc)

Your both right. and i blame myself too. put it down to sleep deprivation.
And yeah painting takes a long time and thats both a good thing...and a curse lol
its like "i want to take my time so it looks the best i can do" crossed with "but i just want to see how cool it looks when its done"

@fox: just someone i should of known better not to take too serious in light of recent events.
8070 @Fox why do you always post at the same time as me :p

@Tach don't worry about it, just continue on doing the voodo that you do so well :p (sorry i had that scene from blazing saddles stuck in my head all morning)
8073 Greetings Spyro :p

@Fox oh in news relating to Dynatasy Warriors Gundam...The sequel is out in japan at the end of the year :) so we may get it sometime next year and once again its multiformat so Tachi you're not left out either :wink:
BlackWolf said:
8073 Greetings Spyro :p

@Fox oh in news relating to Dynatasy Warriors Gundam...The sequel is out in japan at the end of the year :) so we may get it sometime next year and once again its multiformat so Tachi you're not left out either :wink:
8076 - The game wasn't too bad, but I've kinda gone off the original. It's a Gundam game, so it was a 'must-but/try' anyways.
Greetings all!

@Foxy - Damn you! You did it to me now with your accured post times! :p
And probably not, as it's gonna be a new story I bet. The main theme was people from seperate universes of Gundam are brought together in a time-shift warp gate thingy (Wormhole). So it's gonna be differcult to keep at it from that storyline.
8078 @Chaz don't worry Fox is a natural at that now :p but yeah i'm sure the storylines will be seperate though i did appericate some of the groupings that happened but i think they should push for a better cross show story line, something like the SD Gundam games have been doing for years now

I just read a review on the PS3 Gundam game, target or something

apparently its god awful.......i'll stick to the dynasty warriors style. I'll pick up a copy in game I think today.

Anyway, back to anime, so whats MAR like, also see Buso Renkin in HMV yesterday, personal review guys?

MAR is about a kid called Ginta who has a overactive imagination...spends days in school daydreaming of this special world. well trying not to spoil it. he end up going to the world for real, uncovers a dark past and what happend to his family six years prior to ginta getting to this world. he soon befriends all sorts of cool characters. have battles using weapons ca;;ed ARMS, they then meet the chess pieces and discover the war games. its a good story and i really enjoy it so recommend it.