Count to a Million


@Tachi - Proccy overheated and blew. I now know it took the motherboard with it.

Not so bad Blackwolf (the whole needing to shell out for a new laptop thing has brought the day down considerably) can't cheer myself up with ZZ fansubs either, as some of them seem to have a problem which causes them to stop for no apparent reason just after the op. :(

Tachi sorry it was'nt a glass dildo, it was a butt plug carved from an ancient Japanese tree,

Thats terrible news ayase, I need a new laptop too, you see a 2for1 offer let me know :p

Blue dragon looked quite good, will buy it one day, I understand its a manga?

Whats a fan sub? I have always wondered

HOLY ****

damn. bet thats a pain in the ****.
If you look the HDD still okay?
If so all you'll need is another motherboard. which are about £30 in maplin (if i remember correctly)
8106 that sucks how was ZZ coming anyway? are you close to the end of that series?

@Fox yeah there's a manga for it and an anime for it and i think an second game coming for it but that's just rumour

HDD seems fine, though I haven't tried doing anything with it yet - I have an adapter somewhere that I can use to transfer stuff to my desktop.

I'm not sure Maplin sell motherboards for Vaio VGN-FS315E's. I've never done a job that big on a laptop before either... Though there's a first time for everything.

@Fox -

Okay thankyou for saying the series info. i'll crack on and find one as cheap as possible.

also....the motherboard is a relitively quick fix. i'f needs be and you have msn and a camera i'll talk you through it.

Fox, when you say it freezes does it load but take a long time to respond?

@tACHI, Heres what happens dude. I'll click on the link, a new window opens with a blank white canvas, the green loading bar reaches the end but there is no response within the window at all

Still enjoying ZZ Blackwolf - even if it does have the odd dodgy episode, doesn't every Gundam series? At ep28. I've just realised I can skip past the points where it stops and whatch the rest of the ep :?

Also, I'm baffled as to why there are no Chara Soon H-Doujins. May have to do my own. There, I cheered myself up! :lol:

'Tachi - Sadly I don't have a camera and have also never used MSN :lol: I know it's hard to belive in the modern world, but I grew up using Usenet. Even this forum seems pretty amazing!

@Fox - In a nutshell, Fansubs are anime in Japanese which has been unofficialy subbed and released over the internet. It's of questionable legality, but for some shows (such as Gundam ZZ) there is no other way to watch it without knowing Japanese.

Hmm so I assume its a Japanese person providing the english dub, as not alot of english people speak Japanese last I heard, were not evry good at languages haha.

So someone could be making the whole story up in sense?
Foxstripe said:

Hmm so I assume its a Japanese person providing the english dub, as not alot of english people speak Japanese last I heard, were not evry good at languages haha.

So someone could be making the whole story up in sense?
8113 - Not neccessarily, but it is possible. It's near impossible to do it throughout the whole series (as it wouldn't make sense at all otherwise), but maybe the odd phrases and such.

Most of the ones I've watched have had good quality subs. *Far* better than you'd get on a bootleg anyway - but you're right they could be making the whole story up!

I presume dub was a typo? Fandubs are very rare (and usually very crap) though a fandub done in English by native Japanese speakers would be hilarious! :lol:

Okay ayase. have good news. sorry its taken so long but i had a few work things to see to aswell.
Here you go ^_^

And fox if you bare with me a sec i'll find a way to fix it. but by the sounds of things your computers connecting to the website but finding it hard to recieve the website info....

Yeah I meant fansub not dub lol.

I dont think i'll watch any fansubs, it just would'nt feel right, dunno why, am I wierd? lol

Ok Tachi, that does sound right to me too. No matter if ya cant fix it

Cheers very much for finding that mobo Tach - although the phrase "Showed no sign of life - No further testing was done and the laptop was then stripped for parts" makes me a little wary of purchsing it.

I know what you mean about Fansubs Fox, I only watch ones of things which haven't been released in English - I think that's fair, as the market for these must be percived to be so small that it isn't worth releasing officialy in the first place.