Count to a Million


That reminds me. im still annoyed at the fact that HMV are such rip off merchants. and expect me to pay £50 for both series of bleach.....sorry but thats a stupid price...

Ayase....DONT DO IT

I'll search for a good spec laptop for you, just don't do it lol
8138 -
I got Tenjo Tenge from London HMV for £50, myself. was a while ago, but I thought "£50 and have an extra copy of Vol.1, or £100+ on continuing volume-by-volume?" No sh** Sherlock!

Ohh yeah, its a silly price

Im still needing to buy Bleach Series One Part Two. I just honestly did'nt think much of Part One. I did'nt think it was a very good anime really. (clearly im wrong as its so damn popular) But I wish the hollows looked better, i think they look and sound so stupid. The best part of Bleach is Rukia, she's really cool. Other than that, I really cant get into the series

Have I commited a laptop faux-pas? I thought Thinkpads were supposed to be particularly reliable.

Shall I tip you over the edge by telling I'm also considering a Macbook? ;)
8144 in my opinion Bleach gets better as the series goes on, once you get past the subistue arc but i'm liking the manga better at this point though just for the little touches like seeing the grand fisher become an incomplete arranacar
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8146 ah sorry :p an arc in this sense refers to a story arc in this case the point where Ichigo is covering for rukia normally a story arc lasts for a season then the story moves onto the next main point
Foxstripe said:

I'll swap you Vol.1 of Tenjho Tenge for a curly whirley and some skittles????
8147 - Aww common! I plan on giving this to a worthy cause...
But I give it you for a holiday in Japan. How's that sound? :p

Who know, I might actually see who wants it most, and then send it to them in the post...

Ahh, you see the macbook isn't too bad really. :p
i managed to put a dual OS on an ex's macbook and she could choose if she wanted to use windows Xp Proffessional OR Mac.

so thats alright

to be honest i hate tablets with a passion. ask chom if he's ever had the misfortune of having to repair a tablet. Technicians worst nightmare (apart from the blue screen of death which is also a P!ss taker)

OK OK!!! I'll give you a curly whirley, some skittles and a giant Nougat!!!

@Black, i did think thats what it was.

If were talking about spare DVD's, I have Vol's 1+2 of Chrono Crusade and Full Metal Panic! Vol1 going spare

I wasn't actually considering a Thinkpad Tablet Tach, just a standard laptop. The Mac dual boot idea does intrigue me.

As for spare DVD's - since buying the Special Eds, I have spare copies of Patlabor 1 & 2. I'll probably keep them for the different cover artwork though. :p

*sigh of relief*

You know....its times like these when i see myself and say " get so hyped over technology......sodding weirdo" lmao
Anyway apart from my obvious split personality issue ;)
I think i'll be able to get the bootdisks and post you a copy.

Ok everyone, its been a pleasure today, good to see the breakfast club is still kicking. I wont be late tomorrow so I can open up the club early again and your all welcome. Dont forget ya calculators

Have a good evening everyone