Count to a Million


I have to agree with you there fox, that painting is impressive, if you've improved since then (which you must of) then thats something im defo looking forward to seeing Black :D.

of that mech looks so cool too :( i want one lol

Found out a few things from jason (the guy in the wh40k mini store in luton) said that theres a new winged army who are like bounty hunters against space marines. look cool :) and theres a local battleclub with 50+ people every thursday......ahhhh im becoming a tabletop war hungry geek lol
8023 Did he mention their name? As Tau got some new blood in the form of the Vespid, winged insects that fight for the greater good with space marine killer weaponry

winged army? Bounty hunters? first ive heard. You'll learn with GW that a helluva lot of rumours get sprung around. This one, of course, could be true but it has been known that staff "beard" rumours
8025 yeah i've heard plently of rumours during my time, one of the early ones were around an inquistor codex (that one was partially true, since we got Demon hunters and Witch Hunters, just waiting for Alien Hunters now :p)
Foxstripe said:

winged army? Bounty hunters? first ive heard. You'll learn with GW that a helluva lot of rumours get sprung around. This one, of course, could be true but it has been known that staff "beard" rumours
8027 - Nah, they've mistook them for the Vepids, winged Hive Tyrants (That would be impressively dumb) or a horde of Possessed Marines with wings... Although their mutations are usually random too. :p

But yeah, these rumour can be quite wide-spread. I need to visit my GW for games, but it's a ministore too... Not much room I'd say, but too big a game would take 3-5 hours! That's a good amount of the day.

They where grey and had specialised marine killer guns, he showed me a picture.....shall ask him about it tomorrow but in the meantime i'll search the internet

@Fox well to be correct it would be Ordos Xenos :p though i can see there being no need for an army of these since they lack the truly specialist units of Grey Knights for Demon Hunters (i love those models) and the Sisters of Battle for Witch Hunters though you don't have to have inquistor characters anywhere near those armies

@Tachi did they resemble these at all? (could be conversions)

Very true Black, spoken like a true warrior ;)

I remember when Witch Hunters were simply named Sisters of Battle, ah the good old days lol. Nuns with guns, battle bitches, battle babes, babes with grenades. yup im a loser

Daemon Hunters are amazing models, a friedn of mine is a pro painter and he's painted his army up beatifully, i'll try and get some pics

:eek: yeah there the ones black.

What im gettin tomorro:


And these are what he said are the updated versions of the old mechs ... &orignav=9

Excellent choice Tachi :p i'm painting a batch of those tonight (or i may do the pathfinders or both)

Yeah they are the updated versions of the old Stealth suit models (old ones were metal these are plastic)

Yeah, a squad of fire worriors and 2 drones, not bad....i just want to add some pathfinders too. remind me of scouts/sniper units. add a few mechs in there and i'll be rocking :thumb: :p

Edit: damn, i prefer metal too :/
slight mods in order?? lol
like profiling down the metal ones and adding the outer armour from the plastic to make them a hybrid muhahaha *coughs* you get the point

wow, he told you they were new? They have been around for ages, especially the stingwings. They are by no means new anymore lol. Anyway, im off home guys

@Black, very nice paintings indeed :)

@Tachi, get painting :p

see ya 2morro guys
8035 can't go wrong with that :p i know there was a deal (not sure if it was online though) where you bought a squad of Fire Warriors and a tank transport (the devilfish) for £30

EDIT: Later Fox :thumb: c'ya later

Yes i saw that a few mins ago, don't know if i should put off the fire warriors till next thursday (when he'd next be able to get a devilfish and squad.....lets face it. the squads £18, the devilfish alone is £20 so i'd be savin a tenner by waiting :p

night fox, will do :thumb:

ah, just noted the time... shall be going within the next few mins....but shall return on msn soon lol
atlast i've managed to get away from spending the weeknights sat playing around with batch files, fixing other peoples problems, amassing my own, playing too much playstation and modding things...NOW I CAN HIDE BEHIND MY SQUAD OF 5 and paint em :p :lol: