Count to a Million

8002 My first trip there i wasn't legally old enough to drink :p I'm getting back into it by finishing up my Tau figures (probably play with nids though) my friend though moved up north last year and i only hear from him once in a blue moon

I just noticed you live in Teeside. I have family who live in Cleveland in Guisborough. Heard of that town? I go up there 4 times a year

I'll try and get some photo's of some of my models, im by no means a good painter though lol
8005 I've heard of Guisbrough, not sure how far away it is mind :p i live about 10 min drive away from Middlesbrough (or 30 min bus ride since i still haven't got my driving sorted)


Holding new paint. and a 5 man squad of Nids wooo

cant wait to get home and start (their my practice for tomorrow when i buy a devilfish and £18 squad of tau WOOOOO

*just noticed*........ need a few more colours :(
the paintings going to be really hard now grrr
awwell i'll do what i can.

lets see black :thumb: :p

I try to avoid the painting guides on the back of the box's. They give you the basic colour structure but what they dont tell you is tehy havemixed certain colours and highlights etc. whats shown on the back are merely the basecoats