Count to a Million

Yeah, sad scenes and sad (being the end of the series). Glad they didn't make a sequal tho, coz that could have made it less of a cult anime. Kinda like Bebop too.

Edit/ Sorry Fox, I've never even heard of that particular anime. :?
Foxstripe said:

Hmmm me either. But for 99p, I may pick it up. Please someone else buy it with me lol

Well according to anime fans it rates at 16% which is actually not too bad. at 99p you can't really say no either.
Voddas said:
Foxstripe said:

Hmmm me either. But for 99p, I may pick it up. Please someone else buy it with me lol

Well according to anime fans it rates at 16% which is actually not too bad. at 99p you can't really say no either.


What anime fans? Is this a website? Ohhh im interested 8)

Ive just put it in my shopping cart to buy on Friday, along with Tenchi Muyo Volumes 1+2 for 99p each. Just need Vol.1 haha
Tachi- said:

In reply to fox: B*****ks! well i have perfect blue and cowboy bebop and final fantasy movies on UMD, not sure if there's a special list online that shows all the UMD anime :/ would be great if they did

(currently listening to silent civilian ^_^ )

This is a calming song for work :)


These are the ones I know you can get:-

Cowboy Bebop
Perfect Blue
Sky Blue
Ghost in the Shell (I think)

There the only ones I know. Sorry Tachi

Cheers guys,

will someone click the link i put in please and tell me if it opens your media player and starts playing automatically, want to see if its worked.

it takes a while to build up but the end is epic and well worth the wait

Wow thats a good list. I had no idea they had such a range. Trouble is you know they wont release every volume for each series lol/

@Tachi I cant click your link as its blocked my end

Well, two other sites I use for rates and rite-ups. One is ANN (Anime News Network). Good for reviews and peoples ratings. Mostly an American site like so I don't use the forums.
The other I use is That link is actually attached to my profile. Much like facebook for anime/manga heads. Very good for ratings and reviews.

Check it out Fox :p

@fox: okay mate cheers for trying anyway :)

like to watch anime on the movie, would be great if i could get online at home then i can check the psp video network for series (had the whole first series of naruto on my psp at one point)