Count to a Million


Everyday of my life is never a dull day :lol:

@black: i had to turn my fone off and open the back to check what series it was lol

I think I had the e900, thats the one that got spilt beer on it lol. Is it the one that slides up and has little white bit touch buttons and is REALLY slow when you wanna delete a sentance in a text message?

"Dont wanna close my eyes, dont wanna fall asleep, coz the sweetest dream will never do, and i don't wanna miss a thing"

Lads, your not helping me there....i chose to work rather than going to college with my friends :/ stupid money getting me hooked

I started work in college like. Thus why I didn't go to Uni. Sometimes wish I had, but at least I got a house out of it.

@Fox :lol: Dirty white vest! Watched Die Harder last night actually. Die Hard films were cool!

I think Riggs from Lethal Weapon and McClane would have been the best partnership EVER!!!

@ Tachi, Works better anyway dude. You earn money and can buy things :)