Count to a Million


Hopefully within the next few days. if its not fixed by the weekend im not going to be a happy person. :evil:

that reminds me....checking msn for ambers reply...

@Fox:Sure thing mate :thumb:

I couldn't live without tintenet at home. Lost it for half an hour the other day and just sat there stairing at the monitor in silence untill it came back up.

7333 I agree Voddas. When I lived with my parents I was on it every evening, all evening. Then since moving out with my girlfriend, I have no connection, its so weird, luckily I keep myself occupied by playing xbox plus I have offcially got my girl into anime so if I wanna watch some, she actually does';nt care and is all for it haha.

But when I get the internet im gonna be straight on Xbox Live again lol.

Cheers Tachi, should be within the next few days also so watchout for my addy to pop up :D


Ouch, try waitin almost a month to see a girl you really really like. not being able to contact her at all!!!!

hurts coz she came home (from her dads who lives in another town) a week before she was meant to JUST so she can see me before i went to egypt, then i couldn't see her because of work and packing and tidying the house, 2 weeks sat thinking "im gunna go on msn when i get home and ask her if she wants to go to the cinema" only to get back and realise your landline has decided to die and you have to wait for a phoneline technician to come out to fix it, the only way you can contact the girl is through hotmail at work but she doesn't look at the email till nightime and your convo is stretched over days!!!! its hell i tells ya :(
If you had some violins playing in the back ground there I mite have actually started crying. i don't envy you at all mate. Do you not have a mobile?
Dropped mine in a pint once. Dried it out for 24 hrs and didn't have any problems after that. But then again. That's when mobiles were solid and almost unbreakable. Aaah, those were the days.

Similar story,

I was out at a bar and a friend of mine spilt beer on the table and it got into my phone and broke. Went and bought another phone for £50, 3 days later I dropped it in a pint of water, that broke. Then bought another one for £50 the next day.

Thats 3 phones inside 1 week. NOT COOL. and now my current phone is crap aswell. Im with you Voddas, bring back the phones that you could throw against a steamroller, get crushed and smothered in tarmac, and then still call your your mother after to see if tea is ready ha

I stil have an old Nokia for that exact same reason. I've given better phones away but the little ancient nokia still kicks ass. It's my number 1 backup :)

Mines the samsung E900
does the job so im happy with it,

oh and the sob story gets worse, on hotmail i couldn't remember the girls msn addy to email her so i asked her sister to ask the girl if she wanted to go out to the cinema...only problem is...the sister and the girl both fancy me and have had actual fights over the matter so asking that wouldn't of gone down well.

on a happier note the foneline techy is booked for tomorro ^_^ wooo
7350 E900? why does that sound familiar :? come to think of it i don't even know the make of mine! its a samsung mind... ouch Tachi but good news about the internet then you can get everything sorted :)