Count to a Million

7297 i'll be drawing, writting when i get the chance and working on the game, this littel set back with the model just means i'm going to have to work harder

The harder you work, the bigger the theory.

Well tonight im playing Tenchu Z, trying to complete it on hard for my final achievement, then I get my 1000G woo.

Tsukihime should of arrived tonight aswell :)

Tachi has just come back off lunch, had to go into the card factory buy two happy anniversary balloons, then get back to the office looking slightly weird walking down the road with two pinky white balloons :lol:.

Trying to contact my sister to see that she's blitzed the downstairs and its all clean for when our parents get home. then i can set the balloons up in the living room/lounge and then when they get home they'll be amazed and i can kick them out the door and say "your tables booked for 8, have fun" then cook dinner for sister and then go out once she's settled and going to bed :)

@Fox: Tasty yet healthy. Could have used a longer break but I can't really complain seeing as tho I'm on this forum. MWaahahahaa... ahem.

Had Turkey, salami, lettuce and jelepeno on brown buns. Followed by some salted baked crisps and an apple. Everything a growing Vodka needs =P
BlackWolf said:
7304 Sounds like you've got great lengths to make them have a great time Tachi :)

@Voddas look what i found...

Thats really cool Black....but his legs are alittle on the small size compaired to his body :S

Yeah i've tried to do my best this time :)

@Black: Sweet Googa mooga!! Nice Vash mate. Heh! I don't think I have any Vash Pictures... wait one min....

Edit/ Nay mind, I do have a doodle of myself as Vash that I sent a friend over email but since then my work has banned the site I had it on so I can't show you it :(

Awesome picture you ave there tho :p

You were watching it again weren't you Black. Wonder how much you could get the box set for now. I've waited years but it's just so damn popular. Box set still no cheaper. TT_TT